C. Shawn Eib Profile picture
Head of Investigations @aletheagroup Disinfo/politics/military history fan. Personal account. All opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer.
Sep 24, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
Meet Tim Graboski, aka whiterook6. He works for AggregateIQ as software developer. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because they helped #CambridgeAnalytica during the 2016 election. And apparently they’re still interested in our elections. #Midterms2018 #osint #infosec We know that part of the seed data for the models used by CA came from Facebook surveys users filled in as part of an app. Well doesn’t this look familiar....this is a project called Campaign Pillar aka Check-In. “AIQ” is plainly visible. As are the targeted election questions.
Sep 23, 2018 10 tweets 7 min read
.@judicialnetwork is picking #SCOTUS for us, first #Gorsuch now #Kavanaugh. @ZeldaShagnasty shows here, the domain confirmkavanaugh(.)com was registered in 2/17. 3 similar sites (.net, .info and confirmkavanaughnow(.)com) in 7/18, all three on the same day. #osint #infosec That date was 7/10/2018. Given that all domains were registered through GoDaddy’s anonymous registration service, WHOIS doesn’t tell us much. But the site is copywritten to @judicialnetwork, so we know they’re involved. Let’s take a look at the page source for the .com site:
Sep 21, 2018 17 tweets 11 min read
After the threads from @conspirator0 and @propornot re: @propornotapp (now suspended), decided to look for any interesting breadcrumbs they may have left behind. Wound up learning about #Nationalist parties of Bulgaria and a few other tidbits. #osint #bots #disinformation First thing that turned up was this article from the site newsbeezer(.)com (site title: Bulgaria Evening News). As you can see in the screenshot, @PropOrNotApp is quoted discussing conditions during fires in neighboring Greece. Sure, why not?
Aug 15, 2018 15 tweets 11 min read
THREAD: by now, many of you have seen posts or articles re: @defcon’s @VotingVillageDC, and the ease with which machines and websites were attacked and exploited. And now, THIS is happening....#unhackthevote #infosec #ElectionSecurity For YEARS, advocates of election integrity have been pointing out these issues. This isn’t new. After 2000, the Help America Vote Act was passed to modernize our elections, first proposed by Robert Ney (R-OH). Signed into law by George W. Bush. So much for this theory:
Jul 5, 2018 14 tweets 11 min read
In conjunction with @SlickRockWeb, now let’s take a look at #WalkAway from a different perspective. Who’s the man behind the curtain, and who’s backing him? His name is Brandon Straka, know here as @UsMinority. Let’s get to know him a bit. #infosec #osint #psyops Before #WalkAway took off (with surprising rapidity), Straka was a performance artist and stylist in New York. His most recent work appears to have been this show, showing his evolution away from #TheResistance. Here’s a link to the GoFundMe gofundme.com/resist-a-rock-…
May 2, 2018 19 tweets 8 min read
This is the type of absolute denial of facts and reality occupying the #MAGA crown. There is no where in America, not one state, where the average gas price is not higher, generally by between 40-50 cents, according to the AAA, not known for faking basic data for partisanship. The link to where you can see this for yourself is provided. I just looked at all fifty states. No state has longer cost gas today than a year ago. And for this particular statement to be true, the cost would actually need to be approx $1.30-$1.50 cheaper than current averages.