Olympic medal at startup BS detection applied by butt-kicking. Helping SaaS startups w/product, tech, growth, VC @UpekkhaBe
Jul 10, 2018 • 23 tweets • 5 min read
Maslow's for biz
aka @upekkhaAcc hierarchy of B2B needs
Every product bought by a business, meets one or more needs within the organisation. Founders who understand this hierarchy of needs make faster progress towards PMF in a B2B/SaaS context.
From lowest in the hierarchy, upwards:
Regulation aka laws & govt.
Workflow aka productivity
Topline aka revenue
Bottomline aka profit
Brand/Innovation aka future-proofing
Jul 7, 2018 • 21 tweets • 6 min read
[Tweetstorm] What's the TAM Chasm? A #SaaS#startup story
Early stage founders typically get thrown for a loop when they're asked for their TAM. Here's two ways to think about it that both make sense, but not really for the same person at the same time!
Let's say you're a domain expert - 10-15 years in manufacturing sw for auto ancillary units. You know the end users, you've done pre-sales, deployment, you know what their problems are, you even know how to solve some
You decide to startup to solve one of the problems Yay!