In June 2017, @HarvardBiz published an article questioning the discrepancy in VC funding for #entrepreneurs of different genders.
In the US, #female entrepreneurs own 38% of the businesses in the country yet receive only about 2% of all venture funding in the whole country!
Some of you answered the poll that the reason for this phenomenon is that there is a lack of female VCs.
The #data however speaks otherwise; the number of female VCs has increased to 7% from 3% in 2014 and yet the funding gap has only increased.
Why does this happen?
68% of you answered that the investors' perception is the reason.
The HBR report found that VCs approach and question male #entrepreneurs and #female entrepreneurs differently. They tend to use a promotion-based approach for males and a prevention-based approach for females.
This in turn correlates with the amount of funding the entrepreneur receives. The prevention-based approach for female entrepreneurs tend to lead to a decrease in the amount of funding they receive.
However, that is not the only factor and things work differently outside the US!
VCs tend to be males, #womenentrepreneurs tend to venture into startups that are not necessarily in the tech-industry.
Thus there is an emotional disconnect. @KatherineAHays (sic) believes her startup @vivoom would have been more appealing to VCs had she been a 21 year old male.
Not only that, #womenentrepreneurs tend to not seek venture funding. In a survey by Kauffman Foundation of nearly 350 female tech #startup leaders, 80% used personal savings as their top source of #funding in starting a new #business.
Station F, the world's biggest startup incubator even has femmes (woman) as one of the Fs in its name.
About 20% of Kima Ventures', a French VC, current portfolio is in female-led startups and is set to increase up to 25%!
While this funding gap hasn't been a norm in #Malaysia, women entrepreneurs or usahawan wanita can look to further their #entrepreneurship talent through other forms of business funding!
We'll talk about the success stories as well as how to foster their development 😊 Let's go! Feel free to add on to the thread with your own opinion and sharing.
Latest in Malaysia is the story of Ferris. Ferris merupakan usahawan cilik yang terpengaruh secara positif dengan siri Upin dan Ipin! It's good to see how entrepreneurship in an animated series can piqued children and their interest in entrepreneurship!
If you ask if there are more of such stories in #Malaysia, there are!
11 y.o Elisa Ahmad Sayuti and her friends got inspired by both their participation in Kelab Usahawan Cilik as well as seeing their parents who are also #entrepreneurs!
#Tech in #Farming has been changing the world since the invention of the wheel millenniums ago. Since then, all new innovations either make crops easier to #harvest, more bountiful shorter farming time and more resilient and healthier crops.
#Hydroponics has been a thing for a while now while #urbanfarming is still a growing idea. Among #tech that are being used in #farming are drones, #IoT and use of data analytics to ensure the precise farming.
While some may not be tangible but they result to exponential results!
So 79% of you believe that in spite of exponential #technology advancement, humans are irreplaceable in healthcare and will continue to be its frontliners.
Let's also discuss #AI and #robots in healthcare 😁
But first, how has #tech change the face of #healthcare. Let's take a trip down memory lane!
Some of the #robotics you see in healthcare today range from the electronic thermometer to crucial #life support.
Especially when you read that the famous student entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are all dropouts!!!
Can students not only run a #business while studying but also be #successful at it?
Taking a different perspective at this is that while these billionaires are college dropouts, the #idea for the #business all came about when they were in #college! As a young #student, your ideas have a chance at being fresh and can be developed through stringent planning!