Shadeed Q. Eleazer ⌚ | Digital Real Estate Advisor Profile picture
Building profitable brands using Digital Education, Intellectual Property, Licensing, & Automation. Judo & BJJ Brown Belt US Navy Veteran
Sep 23, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
How can I take more control of my week and not fall victim to distractions?

Use your Sundays as a cheat code to set up a winning week for:

✅Personal relationships


👇🏾👇🏾 Sundays are huge for setting clear intentional targets.
My process is:
Setting one clear goal
Setting a timeline
Challenge myself to identify all the steps to complete.
I developed this template after a great discussion on goal achievement with an military Commander
Sep 20, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Did you know that over 80% of businesses are undercharging for their services?

Here's why you need to raise your rates:


#Sales #smallbiz Raising Your Rates is a Sign of Professionalism:

If you pay rent, your property management company raises rent each year.
The cost of access to gas, electric, and other utilities also rises each year.

Your rates must rise to support cost of living expenses.
Sep 11, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
“All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust" - Bob Burg

How can you increase your Know, Like, and Trust factor?? How do I increase my Know, Like, and Trust factor to increase my views, sales, and referrals?

Let’s start with creating a brand that people Know.
This is creating a consistent presence.

✅Create profiles where your target audience lives
✅Determine *who* your audience is
Sep 10, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
One of the most fascinating parts of this game that I love is
watching the young thinkers build business using new rules and tools that didn't exist when I was rising through the ranks.

Here's a few things that Young Entrepreneurs have taught me:

#TheYoungGuns Time is an illusion.

Older entrenpreneurs (and professionals) pride themselves on "time served". Years of experience, degrees, 20 years in this industry.

Younger entrepreneurs can build a 6 figure business in 6 months by focusing on learning high income skills
Sep 9, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
@realchasecurtis (1/2) Awesome breakdown, @realchasecurtis
To add on, Traffic is one of the most important factors for success online.

Organic traffic describes the number of visitors who find your website using search engines (Google/Bing). This is unpaid. @realchasecurtis (2/2) Paid Traffic involves involves placing ads on other websites and ad platforms
to generate targeted visitors to a website, blog, or sales offer.
Google Adwords, FB Ads are leading examples.
Sep 2, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
"I'm afraid to discuss my business ideas because I'm afraid someone will steal them. What do I do, Shadeed?"

Good question. Here are 7 ways that you can protect your #business ideas.


#smallbusiness #startup #smb Protect your business idea #1
Non-disclosure agreements. (NDA)

What is a NDA?

A legally enforceable contract that binds confidentiality
between a person holding information with the person who
is receiving it.

You sign NDA before you tell the details.
Sep 1, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Twitter for Business Rule:
Develop a consistent online presence on 1 additional social media channel.
Invite your Twitter followers to connect with you on that platform.

Connecting on multiple platforms creates a deeper synergy between your ideas & audience

#onlinebusiness Why is connecting on multiple platforms such a powerful strategy, Shadeed?

Great question :-)

Each platform has it's own "voice" due to the "culture" of that platform. On Twitter you deliver short, value driven messages that you can expand on other social channels.
Sep 1, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Are you an online course creator who fears publishing courses because will download the info and ask for a refund?

Here are a few solutions:
*Clarify your course features and benefits
*Raise your rates
*Extend your money back guarantee

#contentmarketing #onlinecourses Why do you need to clarify your online course features and benefits to reduce refunds?

Create a barrier to entry via #copywriting

Be clear about who your course is for
Be clear about who your course is not for
Aug 31, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Maintaining a Twitter account w/ high engagement/popularity can be one of the most time consuming activities a business owner will ever do.
The value per interaction is *much higher* on LinkedIn & even Pinterest.
If youre' going all-in w/ Twitter follow these steps:
(Thread) 1.) Define your end-game.
Twitter is one of the top sources for organic traffic that exists online.
It is a goldmine of leads for your business.
The top 3 destinations to steer traffic are:
Email list
Blog posts
Sales landing pages w/ active offers
Aug 30, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
This is a friendly reminder that relationships run the world.
Your ideas are good. It's people who make them great.
Get out of your shell. It's all in your head
Utilize social media to connect to like minded people.
Get clear about your ideas. Build your tribe. Sounds great Shadeed :-(
How do I get out of my shell and build relationships?
Use "Batting Practice." When you're out running errands, communicate w/ everyone. Use compliments. When you're out in the world, be friendly & converse w/ everyone. Use compliments, make small talk.
Aug 28, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
What separates me from your average "Goo-Roo" is I teach the value of the Ownership Mindset. You don't need to quit your job. My ideas will help you leverage your skills to build platforms, create awesome relationships, and make your health a priority. Q.)What is the Ownership Mindset?
A.)Anything you are involved in professionally must be for your growth, benefit

Relationships are scenarios where you are celebrated & a healthy atmosphere of reciprocity exists.

Take responsibility all physical and spiritual food that you eat
Aug 24, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
How does leading with value completely change the game in your favor when establishing new partnerships, Mentors, and clients?

How can *you* give without being used up completely for your time & talents?

Let's explore reciprocity in relationships

(Thread) Facts of Life: The biggest breakthroughs that life will offer you require the conscious cooperation and buy-in from people who are higher on the totem pole.
In other words: a shot-caller has to respect your progress & ambition & "deal you a hand"
How do you get on their radar?
Aug 12, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
Sunday is the most important day of my week. I consider it my cheat code to hacking a winning week for:

✅Personal relationships

What are you leaving on the table by failing to optimize your Sundays?

Let’s discuss (Thread)

👇🏾👇🏾 They say: You are what you eat. 🗣
I say: You waste more time deciding what to eat and prepping.

Solution: Buy groceries on Sunday & Meal Prep/ marinade your main dishes.

I home cook my meals everyday & save up to 12 hours from this timehack alone.
Aug 10, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Building up momentum with my Japanese studies.

When I lived in Japan, I enjoyed a high level of conversational fluency.

Now I’m looking to sharpen and get back to that level of awesome Fun fact: When I’m out and about, I’ve discovered the most polite way to engage any two Japanese people having a conversation to practice my speaking.
May 30, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
Having a rich investor buy into our business ideas to fund the growth of our empires is a dream for many startup founders.
For the rest of us, we have to wake up and fund our own businesses.
Review this thread for practical tips for Bootstrapping your business.

#startupgrind What is Bootstrapping?
The Small Business Encyclopedia defines it as: Financing your company's startup and growth with the assistance of or input from others.

I define it as: Building a business with out of pocket financing w/out the guidance of a parent company.
May 30, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Squeezing the juice out of each day starts with intentional usage of your early waking hours.
Use the ideas presented in this Morning Routine checklist to supercharge your performance and results.
#GreatMorningtoYou Great Mornings Start the Night Before
Your pre-bedtime ritual will result in easier mornings and the opportunity to optimize your day.
*Set out the clothes you will wear
*Meal planning
*Locate your keys
*Write down 3 things on: "What Went Well Today"
Envision the perfect day
Apr 1, 2018 13 tweets 2 min read
The world does not care about your problems but how you handle your tough times can speak more in favor of your character than anything you accomplish in successful times.

How to keep showing up when life is beating you down

👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 If you’re facing tough times communicating with your creditors as early as possible will allow you to make arrangements and pursue options with each company that you didn’t know existed.

💡Pick up the phone and communicate early. Explore your payment options.
Apr 1, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
Sunday is the most important day of my week for several reasons.

Why Sundays can be the best day of your week. A few suggestions and ideas.

👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 Sunday is a very powerful day for me to set deliberate intentions for my week.
I developed a template that write out by hand in order to:
✅Set gratitude practices
✅Abundance mindset
✅People I will share ideas w/
✅Major outcomes I desire
Mar 31, 2018 7 tweets 4 min read
If there is one personal business quality I would package & sell to others is my ability to ask for and receive opportunities a.k.a. Creative deal-making.

I reverse engineered why this works for *me* into bite sized lessons that will work for *you*
(Thread) #startupgrind
👇🏾 I shoot my shot often in business & partnership scenarios but what is often overlooked is that I give value 10x more than I ask.

💡Establish a “Reciprocity Engine” for your platform that enables you to give freely.

Why is this important? ➡️

#crm #smb #startupgrind
Mar 21, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
Social media is powerful but if you want to make a lasting impact as a thought leader or entrepreneur, you need to host live events.

Here are my reasons why based on a lifetime of experience

(thread) #smb #crmchat #socialskillschat
👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 Public speaking is the lowest cost method to transition from Unknown to Rockstar in your industry. It still remains as one of society’s greatest fears.
Simply standing in front of an audience and sharing your ideas & experience positions you as an authority. #socialskillschat
Mar 18, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
How to build your platform and share your knowledge while overcoming imposter syndrome.

A guide for beginners to get started and overcome self-doubt & procrastination.

(Much needed #Thread)
Based on a true story

#personalbrand #SMB

👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 Q.)I feel I should wait to build my platform because I’m “still a student” and not an expert. How do I overcome this?

A.)We are all on a journey of improvement. Documenting your journey as you learn delivers value & perspective to those who are getting started #PersonalBranding