remember United States vs. Rockefeller's Standard Oil - 1911
2. "United States Antitrust Law is a collection of Federal and State Government Laws that regulates the conduct and organization of business corporations to promote fair competition."
3. "The Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice, State governments and private parties may bring actions in the Courts to enforce the #Antitrust Laws."
4. "in 1911 the Federal Court decided that Standard Oil violated the Antitrust Sherman Act."
The Federal Court sentenced that Standard Oil had to be broken-up into 34 smaller companies, within 6 months.
1. Interesting info from an anon source, posted today, Sept 30:
"(The FBI) Investigation will be over late Monday evening.
Corroborating evidence showing emails from a major news organization in order to defend itself once the FBI investigation was launched...
2. were turned over to the FBI to cover their a**
Enjoy the sh** storm.
The allegations were staggered out to trigger public opinion calling for an FBI investigation when one was not needed because the senators receiving the allegations knew they were already faked/not credible"
3. "It was a coordinated smear campaign between 3 major newspapers and a news network.
DF is done.
Tuesday morning NEWS CYCLE is going to be glorious.
The boss knows what he is doing."