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Sep 25th 2018
@narendramodi Ji became @PMOIndia of India for the 1st time
Thread 👇
After that

For the 1st time 50cr people brought under insurance cover #AyushmanBharat

1st time every village in India is electrified

1st time Every govt school has toilet
For the 1st time every house hold has bank a/c

1st time Indian post offices turned into payments bank

1st time one nation one tax GST

1st time major railway station equipped with Wi-Fi

1st time 100 airports firmly placed on Indias aviation map
For the 1st time number of people travelled in airplanes is more than in AC trains

1st time India flew 104 satellites into space in one go

1st time India has it's own GPS

1st time India has the world's largest solar park with 2GW capacity

Read 13 tweets
Aug 2nd 2018
#DigitalIndia's defense trade data like nuclear-reactor parts, research equipment for DRDO, naval anti-air guided-missile defense systems from Russia, MICA missiles from France leaked by Central Board of Excise & Customs. Reports @digitaldutta…
Did you know sensitive defence related trade data is just a search away - categorised as in 'for defense use' 'aircraft engine parts for defense use' 'for Indian Navy use'? Is this why our Indian heavy arms misfired due to faulty Chinese parts?
Recently fake Chinese wire raceroller bearings were put in place of original German ones for manufacture of Indian howitzer Dhanush which caused it to misfire repeatedly losing a major contract. How safe are our weapons when raw trade data is out in open?
Read 3 tweets
Mar 31st 2018
Dear Mr. @rsprasad
I'm doing a report on a Certain "Ravi Shankar Prasad" holding Multiple #Aadhaar cards and linked #PAN cards and holding multiple #DIN and govt supplied digital signatures!
Can you confirm that you have only one #aadhaar, one PAN and one #DIN?
A Gentle Reminder to Honourable Minister @rsprasad ..
I've not received any reminder or denial from you ..
Have you ever made or used any other #PAN other than ADVPP2745B?
PAN is public record, so not sharing your #Aadhaar !
You know I got it!
Another Reminder to Minister @rsprasad ..
With request of Clarification another point ..
Is #DigitalIndia a govt of India campaign or a Private Company of which are you a Director since "Becoming a Minister" (26 May 2014)
Read 5 tweets
Mar 22nd 2018
Performance of #ModiGovt

Know your Govt:

*Number of Village left Unelectrified*
2014: 18452
2017: 3937
Minister: Piyush Goyal

*Number of new LPG connections*
2004 - 2014: 5.3 Cr
2014 - 2017: 6.95 Cr
Minister: Dharmendra Pradhan

*Electronic manufacturing in India*
2014: ₹11,198 Cr.
2017: ₹1,43,000 Cr.
Minister: RS Prasad

*Mobile Banking in India*
2013-14: 94.7 million
2017: 722.2 million
Minister: RS Prasad, Manoj Sinha

*Sanitation Coverage*
2014: 42%
2017: 64%
Minister: Narendra Tomor

*Ease of doing business*
(Ranking by World Bank)
2014-15: 142
2016: 130

*WEFs Travel & Tourism Ranking*
2014: 65th
2017: 40th
Minister: Mahesh Sharma
Read 9 tweets
Jan 8th 2018
When Paid Media, Liberals & Commies are bought by opposition to defeat a successful leader Modi, it's time to sit back & see what Modi has done in this little time.Will this progress continue if we ignore him & let vultures come again? Pls read the thread below!👇
1. #Demonetisation
Without bothering that his popularity will decline & his Govt might fall, He took this bold step. We all had inconvenience but everyone knew it was for the betterment of India. Country united in ATM Queues but the Corrupt screamed from rooftops
2. #GST
We had been hearing about GST since years but it wasn't possible to bring every state, business, Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha agree on it! Jaitley & Modi made it possible. Businesses were down temporarily but now everyone is reaping benefits of 1 Country 1 Tax
Read 23 tweets

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