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Jul 2nd 2018
This is actually #AMLO’s re-election: He first won the presidency in 2006. But back then the thieving, scheming, blood-stained criminal gang that rules Mexico (and I’m being polite), declared his dissolute opponent the winner.…
In 2006, rather than concede to vote thievery, lick his wounds & toddle off on a book tour, #AMLO took his supporters into the streets, raised hell, blocked the capital’s central square for months, held a People’s Inaugural & vowed to never, ever concede.…
12 years later, #AMLO has won a crushing, too-big-to-steal victory in #Mexico’s presidential election. And there’s a lesson here. Are you listening, Al Gore? Mr. Kerry and Mrs. Clinton?… #EleccionesMéxico #elecciones2018
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Jul 1st 2018
Earlier this week...women protested in front of the #PRI party headquarters (the PRI party is #Nieto’s party and has been in power for years in #Mexico) #EleccionesMéxico #Eleccciones2018
The organizer? 63yo Alfonsina Sandoval Urbina who says nearly 100 women travelled to #Mexico City from the state of Veracruz - she says they are all #campesions” - trying to deliver a message...
They say their government is broken. They demand an intervention. They want change. And their votes in this election won’t be bought w/ free gifts like they wear none.
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Jul 1st 2018
Waves of Trump/Russia bots are pushing '#AMLO is planning an invasion of the US' and 'the US should declare war' and 'secure the border area'. Combined with Trump's approval of Russia and China 'annexing' their neighbours ...🤔#EleccionesMexico2018 #EleccionesMexico #MexicoDecide
It's cute how many of them don't change their names from "Stop the war" when they are pushing war with Mexico and Central America --->… #EleccionesMexico2018 #EleccionesMexico #MexicoDecide #AMLO
ICE has been imprisoning every latin american in preparation for war. These are internment camps for war. #AbolishICE #EleccionesMexico2018 #EleccionesMexico #MexicoDecide
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