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We've 3 days of fab events in #Cloughjordan 25/26/27th May. #FeedingOurselves has lots of interest to the farming community.
Organised w' @Cloughjo_Farm incl #HNV farming #CSA #SocialFarming #AgPolicy #coops #Rural #citsci & more!
D/L programme:…
+ a dedicated briefing on new organic regulation from Hannes Lorenzen! Film Screening with @geopavlos; a #SoilSalon with @growobservatory; @CommunityGrdns gathering; @whittledaway conversation in our community amphitheatre...what a weekend! BOOK HERE@
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You like the entire weekend of activities in 4 handy pics attached to a single tweet?
Also we've blanket pre-booked Djangos Hostel for this event. V rarely available at weekends.... #FeedingOurselves
Book accommodation here:
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