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Sep 18th 2018
Jai Shree Ram 🚩 🚩🚩
After mastering the art of silently Looting & plundering Temples, illegal Squatters now R graduating to open Mafia techniques & attack devotees who dare to question them. Today @/#Srirangam
Exsevce S.Natarajan(BJP)attacked by HRCE goons.
The dept has been organizing unlawful flash strikes thru it's employees inside temple premises itself,in all major temples 2 protest against @HRajaBJP support to free HinduTemples 4m this atrocious illegal dept putting common devotees to Immense Problem.
In one such protest held today at Srirangam, exserviceman S Nagarajan accompanied by his family members was attacked violently after he was identified to be a member of @HRajaBJP party.
All he did was to question the validity of this unlawful protest by HRCE inside the temple .
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