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On the occasion of the World Day Against the Death Penalty
Iran uses death penalty to stay in power…
Iran executes more people per capita than any other country. According to @amnesty, Iran accounts for over half of executions world over.
In a yearly report on execution, Iran Human Rights Monitor said that at least 3,602 people had been executed just during #Iranian President Rouhani’s tenure. These include 34 juvenile offenders, 84 women and 86 political prisoners.…
Read 6 tweets
U.S. President Donald Trump has accepted the resignation of Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador.

My gut tells me an even bigger story will develop.

Rest assured #Iran's regime is terrified about who Trump/Pompeo will appoint as their new envoy.…
Amb. Nikki Haley spoke six months ago with President Donald Trump about the subject of resigning.
Will be staying at this post until the end of the year.
Amb. Nikki Haley saying she will be campaigning for President Trump in 2020.
Read 11 tweets

Add this to the long list linking #Iran's regime with international terrorism.

This time, the al Qaeda-affiliated al Shabaab militant group of Somalia.

More reason why a firm policy is needed against Tehran.
"Criminal networks are using Iran as a transit point for illicit Somali charcoal exports that earn Islamist militants al Shabaab millions of dollars annually in tax, U.N. sanctions monitors said in a report seen by Reuters."
"... domestic revenue generation by al Qaeda-affiliated al Shabaab 'is more geographically diversified and systematic' than that of Somalia’s federal government."
Read 11 tweets
October 9
Shiraz, south-central #Iran
Stores are closed as the merchants' strike continues on this second day.

Store-owners in 50 cities launched this protest movement on Monday in solidarity with the truckers' nationwide strike.
October 9
Karaj, #Iran
(West of Tehran)
Fardis sector
Stores are closed as merchants continue their strike for a second day.
October 9
Qazvin, NW #Iran
Store-owners in this city are on strike again for this second consecutive day.
Read 5 tweets
Cities across #Iran are witnessing a general strike as stores are closing across the country.
This goes alongside the truckers' nationwide strike that has spread to over 310 cities now.
October 8
Tehran, #Iran
Sources say all gold market stores are closed.
October 8
Images of stores closed in the cities of Saqqez, Baneh, Marivan & Sanandaj.
Read 35 tweets
What happens when #Iran's regime spends billions on Syria, Yemen, Iraq & Lebanon, and the Iranian people are left to suffer in the face of natural catastrophes.

This regime will never care anything about the innocent people...
More painful images of northern #Iran where people are suffering from the regime's incompetence in providing adequate infrastructure to prevent such floods after seasonal rainfall...
These images of the floods in northern #Iran are published by the regime's controlled state-media.
From this you can imagine the horrible situation of those the regime's media won't show you...
Read 3 tweets
Reports indicate atmosphere in #Iran's parliament (the Majlis) is very tense as members review the anti-money laundering Financial Action Task Force (FATF) signing bill.
Sources say "hardliners" are voicing threats about the signing of this bill.

(File Photo)
"Regarding the FATF, should we commit suicide today by signing this bill because we're going to die in the future?" says Behrouz Nemati, a member of #Iran's Majlis (parliament).

Read more about Iran & the FATF here:
"Hardliners in Iran’s parliament have opposed passing legislation toward compliance with FATF standards, arguing it could hamper Iranian financial support for allies such as Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which the US has classified as a terrorist organization."…
Read 13 tweets
Short Thread:

#Iran's #FakeNews machine at work:

"It did not say where Zahedifar was arrested. In a video carried by state broadcaster IRIB, a blindfolded man who identified himself as Zahedifar denied he had fled Iran."…
Here's the video.

What a coincidence (!), all of this developing just "a week after Tehran sentenced three people to death in a drive against economic crimes."

Read 6 tweets
Villages near Nowshahr in northern #Iran are witnessing floods.
Locals say authorities have failed to take any measures to provide aid.
Vast destruction reported in Mazandaran Province, northern #Iran

The ruling regime has destroyed the country's infrastructure, resulting in enormous difficulties for the people after storms.
Ramsar, northern #Iran
Safarood Road destroyed due to rains.
Locals say authorities have failed to dispatch any units to provide desperately needed emergency aid to the flood-stricken towns & villages.
Read 17 tweets
Let’s talk about Joe Cirincione’s (@cirincione) recent @Lobelog article claiming U.S. President Donald Trump is marching towards war with #Iran.…

Cirincione is another Iran regime apologist/lobbyist.

I’ll explain.
First of all, let’s get acquainted with Joe Cirincione.

@cirincione has very close relations with Trita Parsi (@tparsi), a very well-known, die hard #Iran regime apologist/lobbyist.
Read 32 tweets
#Iraq: @AdilAbdAlMahdi was given total freedom to select his team in the future government, free from non-qualified individuals and non-corrupted candidates.
Of course, the new PM will have to take into consideration all political parties. These can present names of candidates +
If names are inadequate or considered unsuitable by @AdilAbdAlMahdi, he will ask for more names and again more names until he is satisfied. That was the deal.

The new PM @AdilAbdAlMahdi has reconciled with Nuri al-Maliki a couple of days ago. Al-Maliki was unhappy for his party (Da'wa) to lose the position of PM due to the #USA support to Haidar Abadi following his overt manifestation to "abide by US unilateral sanctions on Iran".
Read 4 tweets
Thousands of truck drivers, in more than 250 cities across the country, are courageously continuing their nationwide strike demanding:

-Higher wages
-Lower spare parts/tire prices
-Authorities responding to their demands

Reports indicate truck drivers in 289 cities throughout #Iran, covering all of the country's 31 provinces, are continuing their nationwide strike.


My latest article provides a brief history into the truckers' nationwide strike covering 289 cities in all 31 provinces across the country.

Read 4 tweets
Let’s talk about @IshaanTharoor’s latest @WashingtonPost piece, providing you a biased image & depriving you of the truth about the status quo in #Iran.…
First of all, to understand why @IshaanTharoor would write such a piece, I would like to remind everyone that he is just another #Iran regime apologist/lobbyist whom I’ve debunked before.
Read 33 tweets
After ridiculously claiming the rial had miraculously bounced back against the U.S. dollar in just one day, I wonder what #Iran apologists/lobbyists like @BahmanKalbasi, @tparsi & @SinaToossi are thinking now about this:…
People are demanding answers from a state TV reporter, asking why he reported the U.S. dollar was trading at 80,000 rials, while the currency exchange stores are selling at 152,000 rials.

And of course, #Iran's true inflation rate is far higher than anything reported by the regime's #FakeNews media outlets.
Read 3 tweets
in #Iraq, for the first time since 2003, the #Shia #Sunni #Kurds and #Turkmen were all divided this time prior to the selection of the Speaker, the President and the Prime Minister.
#USA pushed for its own candidate/coalition (Moqtada-Abadi).

#Iran pushed for the unity of all coalitions, Shia, Sunni and Kurds, in an attempted to unite all & produce leaders accepted by all. Iran also worked to bring down the US candidate/coalition.

The world (including Iraq) didn't realise that "no larger coalition has been nominated".

The reason is simple: Iran wanted to save the face and honor of Moqtada, he who joined a lost coalition, so #Iran Soleimani cam "bring him back" to where he belongs

Read 8 tweets
Marzieh Ebrahimi #AcidAttack victim #Iran .
This is a tiny example for you to know why I am trying to overthrow the mullahs.
Is not that enough for #IranRegimeChange
Marzieh Ebrahimi #AcidAttack victim #Iran .
You can be an echo of the Iranian people، help spread the word 2 know what happens in Iran.please.
#Iran: As long as the mullahs' are in power #humanrights and #womensrights are not going to be upheld in Iran.
As the Iranian regime suffers from instability and is beset by social protests and discontent, it is essential that we support the Iranian pp & #Iranprotesters!
Read 4 tweets
@foxnewspolitics French intelligence concluded #Iran's intelligence ministry, which is controlled by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, ordered foiled attack on exiled Iranian opposition group's rally near Paris in June, French diplomatic source said.…
The Trump administration is pushing international nuclear inspectors to launch a new investigation into evidence Iran has been stockpiling #nuclear weapons technology and materials at a secret undisclosed site…
The hardening of relations between #Paris2018 and Tehran could have far-reaching consequences for Iran as President Hassan Rouhani’s government looks to European capitals to salvage a 2015 nuclear deal…
Read 9 tweets
As relations sink to new lows, France declares asset freeze on #Iran's ministry of security and intelligence, according to AFP.

I wrote long ago that Tehran would be losing the support of Europe.…
France is seizing financial assets of two Iranians, parallel to others belonging to #Iran’s MOIS intelligence services.
French elite police also swooped a Muslim center & several residences north of the country.…
"France reiterates its determination to fight terrorism, especially on its own territory."

This is sending an extremely startling & alarming message to #Iran's rulers.

Read 6 tweets
Oct 2 - Zarrinshahr, central #Iran
This is one of the parking stations where truckers are signalling how their nationwide strike continues on this 10th consecutive day.

They're protesting:
-Low wages
-High spare parts/tire prices
-Authorities giving hollow promises
Oct 2 - Port Khomeini, southern #Iran
Drivers are boycotting loading stations as their nationwide strike continues in more than 250 cities across all 31 provinces.

They're protesting:
-Low wages
-High spare parts/tire prices
-Authorities giving hollow promises
Oct 2 - Akbar Abad, Tehran, #Iran
Video shows an empty loading station as truckers courageously continue their nationwide strike.

They're protesting:
-Low wages
-High spare parts/tire prices
-Authorities giving hollow promises
Read 3 tweets
Germany agrees to extradite to Belgium a senior diplomat of #Iran's regime involved in a foiled terror bomb plot back in June intending to target an opposition rally in Paris.…
"German prosecutors say Assadi, believed to be an intelligence agent, ordered a couple to attack the rally and had handed them the explosives at a June meeting in Luxembourg."…
"The suspect cannot cite diplomatic immunity because he was on a several-day holiday trip outside of his host state, Austria, and not traveling between his host country and the state that dispatched him," the court said.…
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#Iran's regime announces launching of missile attack into #Syria, claiming to target "militants" behind the Sep 22 attacks in #Ahvaz.…
Interesting how #Iran's state-run IRNA news agency is already reporting the attacks "killed and wounded" what it described as "militants."

Tehran is in desperate need to stage a show of force.

Therefore, it's propaganda machine will be bloating this.…
#Iran missile attack into #Syria
Unconfirmed reports are citing this footage, claiming the attack was launched from Iran's western region of Kermanshah, "striking IS positions east of the Euphrates."

With U.S. forces stationed in that area, their reports will be needed.
Read 19 tweets
Always said he was compromised AF. Dropped yesterday @BenKTallmadge
@BasedBasterd @almostjingo…
43, Royce, Cotton, Yousef + 🇦🇪👑👇👇👇👇👇👇

🔔If you don't hear alarm bells, you are not paying attention. Tom Cotton also met 🇦🇪👑five days prior to this meeting. Further, Nader (Mueller's new "witness" represented by Susan Rice's attorney and parties in hot tubs with Bill) BS started a week after this meeting. #Iran
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Sep 30 - Zarrinshahr, central #Iran
Truckers continuing their nationwide strike, protesting:
-Low paychecks
-High spare parts prices
-Authorities not responding to their demands

Neka, northern #Iran
Thousands of truckers continuing their nationwide strike, showing true will to remain stead fast in this movement.

They are protesting:
-Low paychecks
-High spare parts prices
-Authorities not responding to their demands

Thousands of truckers are on strike, protesting low pay & high prices of spare parts.

Regime's response: "protesting drivers may face death sentences"

This the FILTH that rules Iran.

Shame on ANYONE that supports or does business with this regime.…
Read 4 tweets
U.S. State Dept. @statedeptspox:
The U.S. stands with the Iranian people.
We call on all nations to support the Iranian people by not investing in Iran that supports the regime.
U.S. Special Envoy for Iran Brian Hook:
#Iran's regime must be pressed for its human rights violations.
The so-called moderates represent a regime that continues to repress Iranians on a daily basis.
Iran's regime must stop persecuting civil society.
U.S. Special Envoy for Iran Brian Hook:
#Iran's regime targets minorities.
Khomeini promised more freedom, more prosperity & an end to corruption.
This regime has failed for 39 years. The Iranian people know that.
We will continue to stand with the Iranian people.
Read 11 tweets

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