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Sep 13th 2018

RU Peter Levashov the Operator of the Kelihos Botnet Pleads Guilty to Fraud, Conspiracy, Computer Crime & Identity Theft Offenses

📌EricTrump allegedly ran the Kelihos botnet out of Trump Tower. #ItsMuellerTime!

Suspicious 💰Transactions Followed The TT Meeting

Investigators are focused on two bursts of banking activity one shortly after the June 2016 meeting, the other immediately after the presidential election.

Billionaire health-care investor Phillip Frost charged by SEC with pump-and-dump schemes

Journalist Craig Unger talks RU, Trump, & “one of the greatest intel ops in history.”

Trump’s ties to the RU mafia go back 3 decades

Mifsud the academic in Trump probe hit with $56K fine, but where is he?

Super Typhoon Mangkhut Heads Toward Philippines and China
Read 52 tweets
Aug 1st 2018

45 eased PBO RU sanctions to allow companies to do business w/ RU’s FSB, successor org to KGB

Let that sink in.

“Let’s be 1000% clear: if you worked w/ a hostile foreign power during your election, it's called TREASON.”

Schiff links 45 to the Mccaskill hacking


Mueller can examine if a member of the Trump campaign & the RUs were “colluding,” & thus working together “in violation of US law.” In other words, according to DAG, collusion would be a crime.

:Former GOP Gov Christine Todd Whitman to Trump: “Step down”

Evidence in the possession of Mueller, incl highly confidential WH records & testimony by some of Trump’s own top aides, provides the strongest evidence to date implicating 45 in obstruction of justice.

LB: “Manafort is a made man. He was born to die in prison”
Read 83 tweets
Jul 29th 2018

SG:”FSB broke the law.
CA/SCL broke the law.
VoteLeave/LeaveEU broke the law.
Brexit & Trump both won via laws broken.
FSB facilitated & covered it up.”

Butina is just the tip of the RU iceberg

45 has no central strategy for election security & no one's in charge

GS: “Donald Trump Jr. has a direct, personal connection to Valeri Belokon a central figure in multiple money laundering cases involving Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, UK, Seychelles Islands, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico and the United States.”

DonJr’s meeting with the RU agents st Tump Tower is an example of how enterprise and espionage go hand in hand.

Ex-Trump strategist Bannon targets Britain in anti-EU campaign😱

Just imagine what secrets Mueller will find as he investigates Trump’s foreign deals?🍿
Read 61 tweets
Jun 26th 2018

Big Picture TOC:

‘The whole mess of RU hacking, CA, the Trump & Leave Campaigns was not only a coup but an unprecedented shorting of the market through mass manipulation of the electorate w/ the aim of controlling not only geopolitics but the financial markets too’

Mueller’s RU probe will reach a “wild” level over the next couple of months, said Mark Warner

Court docs allegeTrump SoHo condominiums in the building were purchased using funds linked to a massive fraud case in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan.

Mueller nabs E. Prince's phones, computer & is said to be cooperating.

What does the British gov’t know about 45 & RU? Quite a lot, actually!

For the UK the choice over whether to back Mueller & the rule of law or the thug Putin & TOC, the choice is a no brainer.
Read 67 tweets
Jun 21st 2018
🌿Stay Strong!🌿

President Obama:

"Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms, or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?"

PM May says images of caged children in U.S. 'deeply disturbing
🌿Stay Strong!2🌿

Charity CEO running migrant kids' shelters earns $1.5 million

Trump’s EO does not solve the problem.

It does nothing to reunify the 2,300 children who have been taken from their parents.

Trump is hiring prosecutors to make sure all parents are prosecuted.
🌿Stay Strong!3🌿

ICE Spokesman resigns, saying he could no longer spread falsehoods for the Trump Administration. Bravo!

No words. GOP is using jailed babies as leverage effect Trumps agenda & doing their best to dehumanize immigrants & cast them all as heinous criminals 🤮
Read 65 tweets
Jun 20th 2018

Did anti HRC FBI NYFO agents leak word of HRC emails on Weiner’s laptop asap to GOP & Giuliani, to push Comey to reopen the HRC probe?

RU buyers made 86 cash sales, nearly $109 million at 10 Trump properties in S FL & NYC using shell COs.💰laundering.

Cohen Wants 45 to pay his legal fees.

Cohen signaled to friends rehe is "willing to give" investigators info abt 45

600 United Methodist clergy & church members are bringing church law charges against U.S. AG Sessions re separating families policies.

Erik Prince says he is ‘cooperating’ w/ Mueller probe. Doesn’t mean he is.

Are the GOP gunning to impeach Rosenstein to further up end the Rule of Law?

@nytimes pulled a recorded interview w/Stephen Miller from its morning podcast. Bet it was damning.
Read 58 tweets
May 22nd 2018

Trump Camp’n conspired w/ RU, China, UAE, Qater & SA to win Elex & chg US foreign Policy. Who else?😱

Is the TrumpAdmin the most corrupt & fetid swamp in history?🦎

Cohen & Flynn ME Nuke deals😱

Broidy making bank💰

Broidy & Nader = 45’s backchannels to UAE & SA
💣B O O M. B O O M. B O O M💣

♦️Michael Cohen Helped Trump Donor Seek Investment From Qatar Fund

♦️Trump lawyer was a consultant in pitch seeking funds for nuclear power plant…
🔴B O O M🛑

♦️Michael Cohen Met With Qatari Official and Nuclear Plant Owner Last Month😱😱😱😱

♦️Here’s another action that might be of interest to federal investigators.🔥💣🔥…
Read 36 tweets
Dec 15th 2017
1. My dear people the proverbial you-know-what is hitting the FAN. IT IS INDEED MUELLER TIME.
2. By "data firm" the WSJ means CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA. It is ON, people. Mueller asked CA to turn over emails of ANY employee who worked for Trump campaign.
3. This request "wasn't previously known" and it didn't happen now, it happened a WHILE AGO. TODAY, the chief executive of CA interviewed with the House INtelligence CMTE via video interview, sources tell the WSJ.
Read 22 tweets
Nov 27th 2017
1. In case it isn't clear? IT'S ON. Flynn discussing plea deal with Mueller. Told you we'd get big news this week. An easy guess with Trump's freakouts.
2. Quick reminder of what a Flynn deal means: he must give Trump someone higher up in the ladder so Pence, Trump jr. , Kushner, Trump himself all candidates.
3. Considering Mueller ALREADY has Kushner for multiple offenses, I'd say Pence, Trump Jr. and Trump himself are the most viable options.
Read 24 tweets
Nov 20th 2017
1. BIG twist here. Mueller's probe into Trump's obstruction of justice has now hit the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT.
2. Mueller's team directed the Justice Dept. to turn over "a broad array of docs", in particular EMAILS related to COMEY's FIRING & SESSIONS RECUSING.
3. VERY important detail here: this request was made LAST MONTH. So THIS is why Trump & co. have been freaking out for the past few weeks.
Read 19 tweets
Nov 5th 2017
1. Here comes your Sunday scoop! Flynn is going to be indicted next, according to multiple sources familiar with investigation.
2. Mueller is "applying renewed pressure on Flynn" After Manafort/Gates indictment, three sources told NBC News.
3. Multiple witnesses are being interviewed in coming days bc Mueller is getting more evidence re: Flynn on money laundering/lying to FBI.
Read 22 tweets

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