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Sep 15th 2018


New video exposes #LosAngeles GOP congressional candidate @RealOmarNavarro as a real neo-Nazi supporter.

He posted a group photo with three of his neo-Nazi supporters in his Twitter profile cover photo, now Milo loves him.…
Nazi saluting Milo

Read 4 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018
Selected list of #indictments and #sentencings
Aug 15-22, 2018
1. Ricky Johnston from Las Vegas admitted to receiving over 600 images of toddlers & children engaged in sexually explicit conduct. He was sentenced to 144 months in federal prison.

#childpornography #childsexabuse #RickyJohnston #projectsafechildhood…
2. Operation Darkness Falls results in arrest one of the most prolific dark net drug dealers in the world.
Matthew & Holly Roberts used the darknet marketplace to distribute #fentanyl #oxycodone #heroin #meth & other drugs.

#darknet #silkroad #alphabay…
Read 31 tweets
Jul 12th 2018
Sen. Dianne Feinstein #CASEN #DiFi
* Ranking Member (Top Democrat) on Senate Judiciary Committee
* Elected to Senate: 1992
* Fmr San Francisco Mayor

Knowledge+expertise from the Judiciary Committee is needed back in Senate.
#CApol #CA #CApolitics #WinBlue
Read 13 tweets
Jul 11th 2018
Selected list of #indictments and #sentencings for July 10, 2018
1. University of Colorado Professor Pleads Guilty to Fraud

#OlegVasilyev #LosAlamosNationalLabs #UniversityofColorado…
2. Biopharmaceutical Employees Convicted of Insider Trading

#securitiesfraud #insidertrading #clinicaltrials #JasonChan #SongjiangWang…
Read 21 tweets
Dec 29th 2017
1/ How did Big Oil lose control of its climate misinformation machine?

It’s one of the longest and most consequential efforts to undermine mainstream science by an industry. And it is now becoming more extreme.

@neelaeast unwinds the story:
2/ Oil companies began developing strategies to sow doubt about science that could lead to regulation long before global warming became an issue. For example…
3/ Remember how smoggy it used to be America's major cities? This is #LosAngeles in 1955.
Read 9 tweets

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