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May 31st 2018
OK, some context on #Spain: last week, a court found that the ruling #PP had been using irregular funds for years. The Socialist party (#PSOE) launched a motion of non confidence, which is being discussed today in Parliament (opens thread)
Initially,nobody in #Europe cared much:after all, this was to be the second time #Rajoy was questioned by the Parliament (last year, on an initiative by #Podemos) and Socialist leader #Sanchez (who is not an MP, as he lost his seat last year) did not seem to have too much support
Mainly because he needs 176 votes, which he can only get if MOST regional parties (including heavily pro-indy forces in #Catalonia and #basquecountry) support him, as #Ciudadanos has said they would not support the motion, because they want new elections.
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