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Jul 19th 2018

US Officials ‘at a F*cking Loss’ Over Latest Russia Sell Out

WH says they are considering handing over US citizens if Putin asks.😱

Russian spy Maria Butina ‘offered sex’ for job with ‘special interest organization’: How many GOP fell into the #HoneyPot?🍯

TX Republican:

We are better than what this president suggests we are.

We eschew ugliness and divisiveness.

Trump is no longer our leader.

It is time to push him into the ash bin of history.

Today, I ask you to impeach Trump.

#Traitor Gaetz fails to get enough votes to impeach DAG Rosenstein. 🤗🤗

Since Trump has been president, he has increased the national debt by over $1T.

Yes. One trillion dollars.

The fastest any president in U.S. history has accrued that level of debt.
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