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Sep 20th 2018
!!NEW Q!! 12:29 CDT
Q #QAnon #ArrestThemAll #Traitors @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 12:41 CDT Q replies to Anon who says there was a [10] min delta and Q says it was less than (1)!!
Ever wonder how that's possible?
#QAnon #QCoordinatesWithPOTUS @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 12:46 CDT Anon says there’s also a correlation in the amount of Q posts and POTUS tweets!! Q tells the Anon that is impressive!! #QAnon #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump
Read 37 tweets
Sep 10th 2018
This is the THREAD for all of #Qposts for Monday, September 10, 2018. #thestormisuponus "SA cut the strings from US puppets, War has gone PUBLIC, Good TIME to prosecute, Wait until next WEEK, and MORE!"
@POTUS #QAnon #WWG1WGA #PatriotsUnited #QArmy #Prosecute #Florence
Sep 10, 2018 11:39:26 (EST)
This #Qpost was posted on
August 31, 2018 14: 32:27
Sept. 10, 2018 11: 39:26
2: 92:27
Difference 10 days and 3:32:27 if you add the numbers 3+3+2+2+7=17=Q Coincidence?
Nothing is a COINCIDENCE!
Q !!
Sep 10 2018 12:14:25 (EST)
Why are 'powerful' [influential] people resigning due to 'past sexual misconduct' allegations?
Why are these 'allegations' now surfacing [10-month span]?
Human trafficking arrests up?
SA cooperating?
Read 60 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
!!NEW Q Drops!! 9/5/18 10:34…
[Letter from Committee on Financial Services]
Maxine Waters, California, Ranking Member… #QAnon #UraniumOne #ClintonFoundation #ThoseWhoAreLoudest @RepMaxineWaters @realDonaldTrump
2. How do you obstruct oversight & obtain 'inside knowledge' to closed door 'financial' investigations?
Maxine Waters, California, Ranking Member
Those who are the loudest….
Have the most to FEAR [hide]?…
Money talks!! #QAnon #ThoseWhoAreLoudest @POTUS
Read 63 tweets
Aug 31st 2018

It should alarm all of us': John McCain issues warning about Trump & RU in documentary set to be released a week after his death

Trump’s top targets in the RU probe are experts in Organized Crime

Cons media moves to undermine Pope Francis who is anti mafia.

📌#FVEYS vs RU, China, NK Iran
"In the event of a severe foreign interference incident w/in our sovereign nations, we agreed the five countries wd coordinate on appropriate responses and attribution.”

Nat’l Enq Had Decades of Trump Dirt. He Wanted to Buy It All.

Sheldon Adelson donated $30m to Paul Ryan’s GOP-linked Congressional Leadership Fund.

Is this the super pac that funded the doxing of a former CIA agent now DEM candidate?

Who released this confidential info?

Was the confidential info emailed?

📌Wire fraud.
Read 82 tweets
Aug 11th 2018

Time for Mueller to bring out the big guns.

The whole GOP seems to be going to jail. 🤷‍♀️ (Actually a whole bunch on all sides of the aisle)

Trump says ‘people will die’ as a result of focus on Russia allegations😱

WikiLeaks is served in the DNC case via Twitter

The entire Trump era has been a festering pit of barely disguised ongoing corruption. But the whole sordid era has not had a 24-hour period quite like the orgy of criminality which we have just experienced.

MD told its voter registration vendor financed by RU oligarch

Russia takes economic hit from new U.S. sanctions

Russian Prime Minister Says U.S. Sanctions Will Be Considered an Act of 'Economic War'

The attack by ISIS [=RU] was carried out in cooperation with the RU-backed Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, Act of 'Economic War'
Read 76 tweets
Aug 9th 2018

CT: “Trump (and some adult family) negotiated a deal with the Saudis and the Emiratis for 3.6 billion to get rid of Iran nuclear deal and reimpose sanctions. The payment was made in two installments. The first last year and the second earlier in 2018”


"Trump has seethed to confidants that he views the Manafort charges as “a warning shot” from Mueller. He has told those close to him that as he watches the courtroom proceedings, he fears that Donald Trump Jr. could at some point be the one on trial"


China just tested a new hypersonic weapon – clear warning shot across the bow to the US

China ‘moves to limit US influence’ in South China Sea code negotiations

Rogue message in Chinese broadcast over intercom at a National Weather Service center
Read 85 tweets
Aug 1st 2018

45 eased PBO RU sanctions to allow companies to do business w/ RU’s FSB, successor org to KGB

Let that sink in.

“Let’s be 1000% clear: if you worked w/ a hostile foreign power during your election, it's called TREASON.”

Schiff links 45 to the Mccaskill hacking


Mueller can examine if a member of the Trump campaign & the RUs were “colluding,” & thus working together “in violation of US law.” In other words, according to DAG, collusion would be a crime.

:Former GOP Gov Christine Todd Whitman to Trump: “Step down”

Evidence in the possession of Mueller, incl highly confidential WH records & testimony by some of Trump’s own top aides, provides the strongest evidence to date implicating 45 in obstruction of justice.

LB: “Manafort is a made man. He was born to die in prison”
Read 83 tweets
Jul 29th 2018
!!NEW Q Drop! 7/29/18 10:51 Big Drop Coming Edition!! Q posts previous @realDonaldTrump tweets re protests & says, “Listen VERY carefully!”

POTUS legal in review (Huber).
Something BIG about to drop!! #QAnon #WhoIsQ #SomethingBigIsAboutToDrop #DarkToLight
!!NEW Q Drop!! 12:13 Patriots are UNITED in pursuit of common goals! GOOD v EVIL/RIGHT v WRONG! HUMANITY!
Patriots are NOT divided &
Borders DO NOT separate us!
Read 54 tweets
Jul 29th 2018



Read 12 tweets
Jul 26th 2018

Meadows & Jordan introduce a resolution calling for the impeachment of DAG Rosenstei

Trump must face Emoluments suit re DC hotel profits.

“Emoluments” could apply to 45 that cd cover any bus trans w/ foreign gov’t where 45 derived a “profit, gain or advantage.”

Blumenthal: “Secretary Pompeo (Sunflower)is flippant, even belligerent, in evading & interrupting my colleagues’ questions. It has been 9 days since the Helsinki Summit & still no answers.”

Did Trump propose paying ‘cash’ for Karen McDougal’s story?

Emoluments lawsuit against Trump includes profits from private trans, even those involving services given or traded at fair market value.

BBC to Sean Spicer: "You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies
Spicy’s sad legacy
Read 66 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
Sorry... I have a bit of an Atitude today!

@DNC OBSTRUCTING Justice to Protect their Lying and Cheating American Citizens out of OUR tax dollars! It's Crap like this that they want to continue doing! They deserve to rot in the Hell the Pope now claims doesn't exist!
How many of you know that Afghanistan is LOADED with Lithium?

Guess why the push for Electric Cars

Guess who is making money from war torn Afghanistan

Who is the Elite Silicon Valley Club?

Guess who Lobbied Tax Dollars for their Gain

@Potus Drain the Swamp to Gitmo!
One could go on all day of the shenanigans @DNC Cartel pulls!

All this money being funneled to their hands and the Greedy Lying Cheating MYers Obstructing Justice to Hide their Bull 💩

This doesn't scratch the surface of how Corrupt @DNC Cartel is!

@Potus GitmoDeathPenalty
Read 13 tweets
Jul 19th 2018

US Officials ‘at a F*cking Loss’ Over Latest Russia Sell Out

WH says they are considering handing over US citizens if Putin asks.😱

Russian spy Maria Butina ‘offered sex’ for job with ‘special interest organization’: How many GOP fell into the #HoneyPot?🍯

TX Republican:

We are better than what this president suggests we are.

We eschew ugliness and divisiveness.

Trump is no longer our leader.

It is time to push him into the ash bin of history.

Today, I ask you to impeach Trump.

#Traitor Gaetz fails to get enough votes to impeach DAG Rosenstein. 🤗🤗

Since Trump has been president, he has increased the national debt by over $1T.

Yes. One trillion dollars.

The fastest any president in U.S. history has accrued that level of debt.
Read 67 tweets
Jul 12th 2018
After listening to @maddow last evening, July 11th, I am highly interested in hearing whtat Peter Strzok has to say. Let's tune in 👂
Apparently, the Trump Congress, @SenateGOP thinks it's going to cut him a new one. But I have a feeling it's going to backfire on those old farts.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 7th 2018
@CynthiaNixon @SenGillibrand @Ocasio2018

"Human trafficking is big business"
And YOU Ladies are hurting kids and protecting the criminals.
@CynthiaNixon @SenGillibrand @Ocasio2018
Wake the H*LL up. You abolish ICE and all of this will run rampant. Left unchecked, it will destroy our country. You are UN-AMERICAN. #Traitors
@CynthiaNixon @SenGillibrand @Ocasio2018
You ladies are mentally ill (maybe personally involved yourselves) if you want to stop this progress. #QAnon "These people are sick"
Read 3 tweets
Jul 5th 2018

I for one am looking forward to next year when we can truly enjoy our Independence sans the #Traitor RU assets infesting the WH. 🥂

Senate intel committee confirmed Putin personally approved meddling to aid Trump & harm HRC.
IMHO = Illegitimate Elex

Novichok, the RU Nerve Agent Spooking Britain

Sergei Skripal & his daughter Yulia were being monitored by the RU authorities in the months b/4 their poisoning.

Leaked docs show China's game plan to drive a wedge into Trump's base using targeted tariffs

The Republican Party is now the party of the Child Body Snatchers White Nationalists & zenophobes.

A man & woman found unconscious in Wiltshire were poisoned by Novichok - the same nerve agent that poisoned ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal, police say.
Read 34 tweets
Jun 28th 2018

The *July 2017* search warrant application to raid Manafort’s home cited info from a source whose name was redacted, a sign that a former Manafort associate may have cooperated w/Mueller.🤨

Rick Gates didn’t flip until *February 2018*‼️😎 1/…
Remember the FBI’s raid of Strategic Consulting Group in *May 2017*⁉️

My bet is that David Whitfield (former Director of Manafort/Stone/Black lobbying firm) is the redacted, unnamed source in the *July 2017* search warrant application for Manafort.😎2/

The MSM tried to sell the FBI’s raid of Strategic Consulting Group as part of a probe into scam SuperPACs.🙄

I never bought this story, b/c the FBI rarely (if ever) would conduct such a raid for crimes like these.🤔 3/

Read 7 tweets
Jun 27th 2018
#MS13 is Hussein's Army...that's why the #Traitors lobby for open borders. Threatening rheotric ramping up against Patriots #WWG1WGA #DemocraticParty & #GOPe #RINO
MS_13 (2 187'd nearby) phones unlock command & control.
ETA (estimated).
It has begun.
This is Obama's legacy...stealing tax payers $/open boders, Catch & Release = slow death & destruction of America
The Family Tree for Loop Capital= funding & importing the ultimate hit squad "Catch & Release"#MS13
Read 4 tweets
Jun 27th 2018
!!NEW Q!! 06/26/18 20:04 Q replied to Anon’s post re. the Jet Blue Airbus A321 surrounded by police at JFK airport! Q asks if this is a Coincidence and says to review image/location!
Nothing Q provides is random!
Direct #Q #JetBlue #NoCoincidences @realDonaldTrump
More Anon posts/news regarding the Jet Blue Airbus A321 at JFK! #Q #JetBlue @realDonaldTrump
More Anon posts/news regarding the Jet Blue Airbus A321 at JFK! #Q #JetBlue @realDonaldTrump
Read 43 tweets
Jun 20th 2018

Did anti HRC FBI NYFO agents leak word of HRC emails on Weiner’s laptop asap to GOP & Giuliani, to push Comey to reopen the HRC probe?

RU buyers made 86 cash sales, nearly $109 million at 10 Trump properties in S FL & NYC using shell COs.💰laundering.

Cohen Wants 45 to pay his legal fees.

Cohen signaled to friends rehe is "willing to give" investigators info abt 45

600 United Methodist clergy & church members are bringing church law charges against U.S. AG Sessions re separating families policies.

Erik Prince says he is ‘cooperating’ w/ Mueller probe. Doesn’t mean he is.

Are the GOP gunning to impeach Rosenstein to further up end the Rule of Law?

@nytimes pulled a recorded interview w/Stephen Miller from its morning podcast. Bet it was damning.
Read 58 tweets
Jun 4th 2018
1- Let's talk #CEMEX
The following work is not just mine, but a compilation of: @CoreysDigs @ScottAnthonyUSA @RebelPilled @NCDM18 @SolAdentro @cornholio74 @Patriot_17 @412Anon87 @MissRepresentU @The_War_Economy @WenjaminBalton & countless other anons that are doing research.
2-The story took off last night, but apparently has been going on for a couple of days. The group that called themselves ‘VOP Alpha Co - Team Pulaski’ (…), a group of veterans with different backgrounds & experience, dedicated to help other veterans
3-...are the ones that brought all this out to light.
They have been live streaming videos from the area, and #Facebook keeps taking them down.
What happened? VOP was in the area looking for homeless vets they could help.
Read 10 tweets
May 13th 2018
#QAlert 5/13/19 This will be my THREAD for all of #Q's posts for #MothersDay, May 13, 2018. LOOP, Watch what happens [-30], "Shadow Government, What must happen pre 11.11, Trust earned, On Guard and more! Let's Go!
@POTUS #ImwithQ #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsFight #OnGuard #MAGA #KAG
#QAlert 5/13/19 Post 1351 #Q had a busy night. Posts continued into wee hours of the AM. Q starts of #MothersDay responding to a post from 5/4/18. Sealed indictments. Define indictment and more. Lot's to soak in.
@POTUS #ImwithQ #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsFight #OnGuard #MAGA #KAG
#QAlert 5/13/19 Post 1352 #Q posts a link to the National Security Action web site. Who we are page.

Here is the link:

@POTUS #ImwithQ #QArmy #QAnon #PatriotsFight #OnGuard #MAGA #KAG
Read 25 tweets

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