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Jul 26th 2018

Meadows & Jordan introduce a resolution calling for the impeachment of DAG Rosenstei

Trump must face Emoluments suit re DC hotel profits.

“Emoluments” could apply to 45 that cd cover any bus trans w/ foreign gov’t where 45 derived a “profit, gain or advantage.”

Blumenthal: “Secretary Pompeo (Sunflower)is flippant, even belligerent, in evading & interrupting my colleagues’ questions. It has been 9 days since the Helsinki Summit & still no answers.”

Did Trump propose paying ‘cash’ for Karen McDougal’s story?

Emoluments lawsuit against Trump includes profits from private trans, even those involving services given or traded at fair market value.

BBC to Sean Spicer: "You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies
Spicy’s sad legacy
Read 66 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
‼️Missed Detail‼️

Trump is telling the TRUTH for once.

RU was NOT the ONLY hostile foreign nation that interfered with the 2016 elex.

In addition to RU, Israel, SA, NK & China (&?) also interfered with our 2016 Elex.

#BlackCube #PsyGroup #CASCL…

Israeli Intelligence Company Formed Venture With Trump Campaign Firm Cambridge Analytica
Psy-Group is owned by entrepreneur Joel Zamel, who has been questioned by special-counsel investigators…

Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election…
Read 11 tweets
Jul 16th 2018

‘Warning Lights Are Blinking Red,’ US DNI Says of RU Attacks

45 adds EU to list of foes, alongside China & Russia

U.K. Poisoning Inquiry Turns to GRU the RU Agency in M’s Indictments

Bolton (Traitor) vs Warner (Patriot) on extraditing 12 indicted RUs

Trump said he would raise the subject of 12 RU indicted for alleged hacking during the 2016 US Elex but "hadn't thought" about asking for their extradition.🙄🙄🙄

Trump said that "nothing bad" & "maybe some good" would come out of the encounter with Putin.

It’s a Really, Really, Really Bad Idea to Meet Alone w/ Putin

GOP in cahoots with the NRA want to put guns & other weapons in the hands of 5 year olds! Seriously, GOP want to lower the age limits for gun—craven greed & wantoncray have overtaken the GOP.
Read 55 tweets
Jun 26th 2018

Big Picture TOC:

‘The whole mess of RU hacking, CA, the Trump & Leave Campaigns was not only a coup but an unprecedented shorting of the market through mass manipulation of the electorate w/ the aim of controlling not only geopolitics but the financial markets too’

Mueller’s RU probe will reach a “wild” level over the next couple of months, said Mark Warner

Court docs allegeTrump SoHo condominiums in the building were purchased using funds linked to a massive fraud case in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan.

Mueller nabs E. Prince's phones, computer & is said to be cooperating.

What does the British gov’t know about 45 & RU? Quite a lot, actually!

For the UK the choice over whether to back Mueller & the rule of law or the thug Putin & TOC, the choice is a no brainer.
Read 67 tweets
May 27th 2018
You may want to follow @haaretzcom, if you don't already. 😉 #tRUmpRussia #BlackCube #PsyGroup #Zamel #Broidy…
They were dropping the goods on #Papadopoulos last year:

Trump campaign adviser who pled guilty to lying to FBI has surprising ties to Israeli settlers…
"But during his time in the energy arena, Papadopoulos wrote Op-Ed pieces in Israeli news outlets - including one in Haaretz - arguing that Israel should cooperate w/Greece & Cyprus in its development of the Tamar and Leviathan gas fields and avoid excessive cooperation w/Turkey"
Read 19 tweets

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