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Abt that β€˜Presidential Alert’ text:

πŸ“Œβ€Flynn was paid by & on the advisory board of a "secretive cyber arms dealer" who dev’d spyware that hacked phones w/a single text.”

RU Hackers Indicted
GRU Mil Intel Officers Targeted Anti-Doping Orgs, Other Int’l Agencies

GRU, RU’s spy agency w/growing global footprint under scrutiny by FVEY allies.

Why Was Kav Obsessed With Vince Foster?

He needs to explain why he followed RW conspiracy theories abt the WH aide’s suicide.

305 Car Reg’s May Point to Massive GRU Security Breach

Why the FBI’s Kavanaugh Re-Opened BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION is a Minefieldβ€”for the FBI

πŸ“ŒIt was not a full investigation into the charges of sexual misconduct which the media & GOP are likely intentionally conflating.

πŸ“ŒGOO never intended/wanted a thorough inv.
Read 73 tweets

Diebenkorn was an American painter and printmaker. He was born in 1922 in Portland, Oregon and died 1993 in Berkeley, CA.



#PAM #PAMFAM #Diebenkorn

Diebenkorn served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1943 until 1945.

Richard Diebenkorn, Untitled (Albuquerque), 1952.


#PAM #PAMFAM #Diebenkorn

He was stationed at Quantico, Virginia. While there, he sought out the Henri Matisse paintings in various Museums in NY.

Richard Diebenkorn, Untitled (Horse and Rider), 1954.


#PAM #PAMFAM #Diebenkorn
Read 43 tweets

US fighter jets intercept RU nuclear bombers near AK

Did B, Ledeen - works for Grassley, tell Kavanaugh she had a SPY planted w/ the Dems?

Maddow: β€œLiterally the subject line is "spying" and the first line is "I have a friend who is a mole for us."

MJ: Here are the LIES Kavanaugh told:
🚫Wasn't involved in the Pryor nom-he was
🚫Didn't know if he received STOLEN emails-he did
🚫Didn't give an opinion on the constitutionality of subpoenaing POTUS-he did
🚫Didn't know about warrantless wiretapping-does

Kavanaugh forewarned an email info re a mole placed within DEMs commenting:?"interesting".

ICE demands β€˜exhaustive’ voting records from NC

DEMs ask DOJ to review Giuliani’s work for foreign clients

US trade deficit jumps by the most in 3 years
Read 57 tweets

Romain de Tirtoff known in the art world as ErtΓ©, was born in 1892 in St.. Petersburg, Russia and died in 1990, in Paris, France.

Erte - Symphony in Black



β€œErté’s byname was derived from the French pronunciation of his initials, R.T.”




ErtΓ© is said to be the father of Art Deco.



Read 38 tweets

πŸ’£Cohen implicates Trump in VIOLATION of campaign finance laws

πŸ’£Trump is an unindicted CO-CONSPIRATOR

πŸ’£Throws the LEGITIMACY of the election into question.

πŸ’£Cohen pleads GUILTY to bank fraud w/ intent!

πŸ’£Manafort CONVICTED on 8 fed charges!


AS: β€œCohen’s guilty plea appears to implicate the President in a knowing violation of campaign finance laws, w/ the payment of hush money to advance the Trump campaign. This is the 1st guilty plea directly alleging potential criminal activity by the President.”

The verdict was a victory for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III

LB: β€œRussian mob.
Who rolled Genovese/LCN in '90s.
Blood money pushed through Ukraine, laundered by Genovese made-man, Paul Manafort - and old Genovese business front, Trump Org.”
Read 72 tweets

Pierre-Auguste Renoir was born 1841 in Limoges, Franc and died 1919 in Cagnes, France.

Self-Portrait - 1875
Pierre-Auguste Renoir


#PAM #PAMFAM #PierreRenoir

Romain Lascaux - 1864

Renoir is regarded as one of the central figures of the Impressionist movement.


#PAM #PAMFAM #PierreRenoir

Like #MaryCassatt his early works were typically bright and colorful Impressionist studies of ordinary day to day life.

Girl Gathering Flowers - 1872


#PAM #PAMFAM #PierreRenoir
Read 55 tweets

Jan Vermeer was born 1632 and died 1675 in Delft, Netherlands.

Johanna’s Vermeer - Self Portrait at age 30


#PAM #PAMFAM #Vermeer

Johannes Vermeer is one of the most highly regarded Dutch artists of all time.

Johanna’s Vermeer - Self Portrait


#PAM #PAMFAM #Vermeer

His works have been a source of aesthetic joy, inspiration and fascination for centuries, but much of his life remains a mystery.

Vermeer - Girl with a Pearl Earring - 1665 (me at a younger age)🀣


#PAM #PAMFAM #Vermeer
Read 41 tweets

45 eased PBO RU sanctions to allow companies to do business w/ RU’s FSB, successor org to KGB

Let that sink in.

β€œLet’s be 1000% clear: if you worked w/ a hostile foreign power during your election, it's called TREASON.”

Schiff links 45 to the Mccaskill hacking


Mueller can examine if a member of the Trump campaign & the RUs were β€œcolluding,” & thus working together β€œin violation of US law.” In other words, according to DAG, collusion would be a crime.

:Former GOP Gov Christine Todd Whitman to Trump: β€œStep down”

Evidence in the possession of Mueller, incl highly confidential WH records & testimony by some of Trump’s own top aides, provides the strongest evidence to date implicating 45 in obstruction of justice.

LB: β€œManafort is a made man. He was born to die in prison”
Read 83 tweets

Andrew Wyeth, born 1917 and died 2009, in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania.

Portrait of Andrew Wyeth - 1969
By Jamie Wyeth (son)


#PAM #PAMFAM #AndrewWyeth

Wyeth became an internationally exhibited, award-winning artist with pieces like "Christina's World," "A Crow Flew By" and "The Clearing,"

Andrew Wyeth - Christina's World - 1948


#PAM #PAMFAM #AndrewWyeth

Also, as well as Wyeth’s portrait series "The Helga Pictures."

Braids (Helga) - 1977


#PAM #PAMFAM #AndrewWyeth
Read 38 tweets

Meadows & Jordan introduce a resolution calling for the impeachment of DAG Rosenstei

Trump must face Emoluments suit re DC hotel profits.

β€œEmoluments” could apply to 45 that cd cover any bus trans w/ foreign gov’t where 45 derived a β€œprofit, gain or advantage.”

Blumenthal: β€œSecretary Pompeo (Sunflower)is flippant, even belligerent, in evading & interrupting my colleagues’ questions. It has been 9 days since the Helsinki Summit & still no answers.”

Did Trump propose paying β€˜cash’ for Karen McDougal’s story?

Emoluments lawsuit against Trump includes profits from private trans, even those involving services given or traded at fair market value.

BBC to Sean Spicer: "You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies
Spicy’s sad legacy
Read 66 tweets

β€˜Warning Lights Are Blinking Red,’ US DNI Says of RU Attacks

45 adds EU to list of foes, alongside China & Russia

U.K. Poisoning Inquiry Turns to GRU the RU Agency in M’s Indictments

Bolton (Traitor) vs Warner (Patriot) on extraditing 12 indicted RUs

Trump said he would raise the subject of 12 RU indicted for alleged hacking during the 2016 US Elex but "hadn't thought" about asking for their extradition.πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

Trump said that "nothing bad" & "maybe some good" would come out of the encounter with Putin.

It’s a Really, Really, Really Bad Idea to Meet Alone w/ Putin

GOP in cahoots with the NRA want to put guns & other weapons in the hands of 5 year olds! Seriously, GOP want to lower the age limits for gunβ€”craven greed & wantoncray have overtaken the GOP.
Read 55 tweets

Germain-Edgar De Gas, more familiarly known to us as Edgar Degas, was born 1834 & died 1917 in Paris, France.



#PAM #PAMFAM #EdgarDegas

After earning a baccalaureate in literature in 1853, his father encouraged him to go into law, but instead,

The Bellelli Family By Edgar Degas


#PAM #PAMFAM #EdgarDegas

Degas attended the Γ‰cole des Beaux-Arts (formerly the AcadΓ©mie des Beaux-Arts) in Paris.

In a Cafe (The Absinthe Drinker) 1875-76


#PAM #PAMFAM #EdgarDegas
Read 42 tweets

f.64 Group featuring:

Photographer Imogen Cunningham, was born 1883, in Portland, Oregon, and died 1976, San Francisco, California.

Magnolia Blossom, 1925


#PAM #PAMFAM #ImogenCunninghamF64

The Dream (Veiled Woman) by Imogen Cunningham, 1910


#PAM #PAMFAM #ImogenCunninghamf64

Cunningham is best known for her exquisite magnolias, sculptural nudes and evocative portraiture.

The Dream, 1910


#PAM #PAMFAM #ImogenCunninghamF64
Read 44 tweets

GOP just quietly passed a bill through committee that eviscerate Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid by 2 trillion.

Will try 2 pass this through reconciliation during the lame duck session-51 votes?

Evidence shows that new tariffs are costing jobs, NOT Immigrants,

Key nexus. So many β€˜coincidences’ surrounding Banks (Brexit) & Trump (2016) scandals & meets with shady RUs. AIQ/Ripon/CA/SCL Mercer, Trump, Bannon, Farage, Nix, etc.

Betsy DeVos Has Scrapped More Than 1,200 Civil Rights Probes Started By the Obama Administration

Mulvaney the consumer financial watchdog gave lobbying advice to the bankers he regulates:

He wants to cut off public access to a database of consumer complaints &

Suggested the industry donate to lawmakers to convince them to weaken his agency's authority
Read 49 tweets
‼️Be Smart‼️

β€œCambridge Analytica ...had had the [stolen] Clinton emails more than a month before they were published by WikiLeaks.”

Savor the implications. πŸ€—

It is fitting that Trump has been forced into retreat by babies. Cruelty should never be mistaken for strength.
‼️Be Smart2‼️

The dystopian Trump Admin is weaponizing gov’t by eviscerating regs that protect the 98% (those w/o money & power), & they’re weaponizing bureaucracy, in order to use it against everyone they don’t like, whether it’s immigrants or poor people or DEMs.

‼️Be Smart3‼️

A new RU influence operation has surfaced that mirrors some of the activity of an internet firm that the FBI says was deeply involved in efforts to sway the 2016 U.S. elections, a cybersecurity firm says.

Don Jr. β€˜Regrets taking’ 2016 Trump Tower meet w/ RUs
Read 63 tweets

Gustav Klimt, born 1862 and died in Vienna, Austria, founded the school of painting known as the Vienna Sezession.

Judith and the Head of Holofernes - 1901


#PAM #PAMFAM #GustavKlimt

Klimt studied at the Vienna School of Decorative Arts and after graduation in he opened a studio specializing in painting murals.

Klimt University of Vienna Ceiling Paintings


#PAM #PAMFAM #GustavKlimt

His early work was typical of late 19th-century classical style as can be seen in his murals for the Vienna Burgtheater (1888)

Klimt mural for the Vienna Burgtheater


#PAM #PAMFAM #GustavKlimt
Read 39 tweets
πŸ”₯Kabuki TheaterπŸ”₯

Make no mistake Mogilevich, Putin & Xi are the puppet masters.

Re the Manafort Kilimnik (GRU) Indictment, β€˜collusion’ is established.

🐨🐨 delivered πŸ’£πŸ’£via AU 4corners!πŸ€—

Trump/Sessions’ Inhumane order denying asylum re gang violence or domestic abuse.
πŸ”₯Kabuki Theater2πŸ”₯

Amnesty Int’l rpt re NK: huge human rights violations continue. The Kim regime slaughters it’s own people in death camps.

Ivanka Trump made $3.9M from the Trump International Hotel last year

States that supported Trump wd suffer most in a Canada trade war
πŸ”₯Kabuki Theater3πŸ”₯

FBI announced a major coordinated LE effort to disrupt intern’l business e-mail compromise (BEC) schemes

DAG Rosenstein in Montreal today smoothing ruffled feathers, thank god!

Congress plans to deliver stinging rebuke to Trump over trade talks with China
Read 39 tweets

Still-life painting, are simply the rendering of inanimate objects for the sake of their qualities of form, color, texture, & composition.

Maria van Oosterwijck - Tulip Flower Still Life


#PAM #PAMFAM #StillLife

It was the Renaissance when still life emerged as an independent painting genre.

Jan Davidsz de Heem - Festoon with Flowers and Fruits - 1680


#PAM #PAMFAM #StillLife

Early Netherlandish still-life paintings depicted skulls, candles, and hourglasses as allegories of mortality.

Ambrosius Bosschaert the Younger
A Still Life of Flowers and Shells


#PAM #PAMFAM #StillLife
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Wassily Kandinsky, Russian in full Vasily Vasilyevich Kandinsky, born 1866, Moscow, Russia, died 1944, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

Munich-Schwabing with the Church of St. Ursula - 1909


#PAM #PAMFAM #Kandinsky

Kandinsky is one of the first creators of pure abstraction in modern painting.

Autumn Landscape with Boats -


#PAM #PAMFAM #Kandinsky

After successful avant-garde exhibitions, he founded the influential #GermanExpressionism group Der Blaue Reiter & focused on painting. abstracts.

Blaue Reiter - 1903


#PAM #PAMFAM #Kandinsky
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Emails reveal Stormy’s former lawyer conspired w/ Cohen.

Trump legal team sent 29 pg letter alleging Trump is above the law PERIOD.

WRONG! Lady Liberty says no, no, NO‼️


A new RU influence op happening now to disrupt MT Elex.😱

Who knows who is listening to Trump & Hannity’s bedtime chats on 45 unsecured phone. 😱

Remind me, what was that brouhaha about HRC’s emails?

Listen to the 10/16 vid re Stone chatting about WikiLeaks & HRC docs! And chats about the DNC staffer who was β€˜assassinated.’

Massive FB data leak to CA is tantamount to a human rights violation

Zuck is epically burned @ share holder mtg: called dictator & questioned whether he favored Putin’s playbook over GW.

NK hackers tried to steal $1B from the NY Fed Reserve, but oops, spelling error
Read 37 tweets

David Hockney was born in Bradford, England, on July 9, 1937.


My Parents - 1977


#PAM #PAMFAM #DavidHockney

Chromogenic Print

Self Portrait, Karlsbad 1970


#PAM #PAMFAM #DavidHockney

PhotoCollages aka β€œJoiners”

Telephone Pole - 1982


#PAM #PAMFAM #DavidHockney
Read 37 tweets

Mary Cassatt, born May 22, 1844, In Pennsylvania & died June 14, 1926, at her home ChΓ’teau de Beaufresne, near Paris, France.

Children Playing on the Beach; 1884


#PAM #PAMFAM #MaryCassatt

Mary Cassatt was an active part of the group of Impressionists working in and around Paris & enjoyed capturing the the bond between women & their children.

Maternal Kiss - 1896


#PAM #PAMFAM #MaryCassatt

Cassatt was the daughter of a banker & lived in Europe for 5 years as a child. She was tutored privately in art in Philadelphia & attended the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in 1861–65.

Margot in Orange Dress


#PAM #PAMFAM #MaryCassatt
Read 31 tweets

Ahmed Al-Rumaihi passed Millions of $$ (Rosnef?) to Trump fam @ 12/12/16 mtg?

Manafort case w/in preview of SC!

China sanctioned, C pays 1/2 bil bribe to 45 Org bus, Trump tries 🚫sanct’n

FBI & DOJ investigating cybercrime & ++ re CA

Artemenko = Grand Jury Fri

Justice Department and F.B.I. Are Investigating Cambridge Analytica…

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Cohen 'asked Qatari investor for millions of dollars' which he said he would 'pass to Trump family members' at Trump Tower meeting - and Qatar's foreign minister was there too…
Read 43 tweets

Ahmed Al-Rumaihi passed Millions of $$ (Rosnef?) to Trump fam @ 12/12/16 mtg?

Manafort case w/in preview of SC!

China sanctioned, C pays 1/2 bil bribe to 45 Org bus, Trump tries 🚫sanct’n

FBI & DOJ investigating cybercrime & ++ re CA

Artemenko = Grand Jury Fri

Justice Department and F.B.I. Are Investigating Cambridge Analytica…

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Cohen 'asked Qatari investor for millions of dollars' which he said he would 'pass to Trump family members' at Trump Tower meeting - and Qatar's foreign minister was there too…
Read 43 tweets

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