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Jun 23rd 2018
Someone's culpable. #SocialSecurity incentive for my daughter removed via #MedicalFraud #MedicalKidnap, CLARKS current Atty, then VP #Fairview MNPLS. I paid child support deducted from my SS while she was #legallykidnapped & being #sextrafficked across country, I petitioned the
.@RamseyCounty courts for her return when she was 15. She would have lacked nothing, yet the judge with input from my now ex, then level 3 convicted sex offender husband those grooming her institutionally. *BTW it was kept under wraps that the ex had a prior sex offense with
a minor, that I just discovered within the last year, 20+ yrs after divorcing him. The offense I was aware of came after that one and he only did a year in a halfway house and as far as my attempts is NOT on any national sex offender registry, which I was told was up to public
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