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Can I share with you the *weirdest* entry in the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest? It's by @DufferinJames and it seriously creeps me out—but it's so well done I have to respect it, especially as it's conceptually tight as well (Trump is often called a "clown"). #ProofofCorruption Image
PS/ Normally, as I think you all know, I don't go in for this sort of thing—I critique Trump, but almost never post memes that in any way alter or address his physical form itself—but this is.... I mean, just *so well done*? And conceptually *smart*? I felt like I had to post it.
PS2/ I should clarify that this entry came in after the official term of the contest was over—which is why it wasn't a "contender" (semifinalist) or "finalist" at the time, but is being tweeted out now.
Read 3 tweets
Longtime Kremlin agent @MichaelRCaputo—just caught doctoring CDC reports for Trump at DHHS in a way that kills Americans—is now attacking my feed. He likely knows Proof of Corruption is a damning indictment of DHHS. I hope you'll RT this link to honor him:…
PS/ @MichaelRCaputo—again, quite seriously, a longtime Kremlin agent who is now doctoring CDC reports and thereby killing Americans during a pandemic, doing the bidding of his old-and-possibly-current boss—is now trolling this feed and blocking my readers. Wow. #ProofofCorruption
PS2/ I knew the Trump administration would ultimately grapple with Proof of Corruption—and I'm not surprised it's DHHS, given this is in significant part a book addressing a pandemic that DHHS mishandled—but why let @MichaelRCaputo attack me, when he's so obviously damaged goods?
Read 19 tweets
(EXCLUSIVE) Chapter 3 is here. It's massive—51 minutes.

There's no better ad for Proof of Corruption than the text itself, fully sourced and as full of news as a text can be—because it's curated meta-journalism.

The next two tweets hold Chapters 1 and 2.
(CHAPTER 2) Here's Chapter 2 of Proof of Corruption. See the preceding tweet—the one located above this one—for Chapter 3.

If you find these audiobook excerpts illuminating, I hope you will retweet some or all of them to your followers. #ProofofCorruption
(CHAPTER 1) Here's Chapter 1 of Proof of Corruption. See the preceding tweets—the ones above this one—for Chapters 2 and 3.

If you find these audiobook excerpts illuminating, I hope you'll retweet some or all of them to your followers. #ProofofCorruption
Read 4 tweets
(NPR INTERVIEW) Here's a link to my 15-minute interview from a couple hours ago with the award-winning "Roundtable" program on New York NPR station WAMC. Thanks to @WAMCRadio and @JoeCDonahue! #ProofofCorruption…
(PS) Obviously I'm always hopeful people will listen to interviews I give about Proof of Corruption, but I want to drop a note to say that from the 3- to 6-minute mark of my WAMC interview I close the circle on Trump, China, and COVID-19 in a way I think *many* will want to hear.
(PS2) From 6 to 8 minutes in the interview, I summarize events in Iran—that got us to within an hour of a new war—in a way I suspect you haven't heard before. Give a listen, and I'm pretty certain you won't say I've oversold this. What happened in Iran remains a historic scandal.
Read 3 tweets
(THREAD) This thread compiles the 25 finalists in the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. I hope you'll weigh in in the comments on which you like the most! I'll make a decision on the winners—including the signed-book winner—based on creativity and shop quality. #ProofofCorruption ImageImageImageImage
(FINALISTS #5—#8) I want to take a moment to say "thank you" to all the incredible folks who entered the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. At my count we had nearly 150 entries in just 48 hours—and so many of them (finalists and otherwise) were *impressive*. You all are the best! ImageImageImageImage
(FINALISTS #9—#12) I hope the contest provided everyone with levity in a dark time. I hope, too, it acknowledged the special place curatorial journalism has come to occupy in American media: as an emerging digital mode considered *vital* to fast-growing community of news-readers. ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Trump saying he wanted to "play down" COVID-19 isn't news. We *knew* he was. Likewise, *of course* he knew how deadly it was. Advisers told him.

You want news? How about 5 major-media reports confirming the Trump White House knew of the virus in November 2019? #ProofofCorruption Image
PS/ "News" is shocking—not something one previously had reason to suspect. I think this week we'll hear as "news" many things long self-evident. Trump admitting to what everyone in America already knew isn't news. The White House lying about 2019 COVID-19 intelligence *is* news.
PS2/ Media is going to do the silly and stupid things it does—but Americans needn't play along. *We* decide what's important: discovering when the White House learned about COVID-19—November 2019—or "learning" that yes, as we all *knew*, *Trump* knew he was downplaying the virus.
Read 7 tweets
Wait a minute.

How am I just noting this similarity *now*? Did everyone else see this? Am I the last one to see this?

#ProofofCorruption ImageImage
Did Kimberly Guilfoyle *know* she was recreating the "Elmo Rise" (or "Hellmo") meme from 2012? Or was it just unhappy coincidence? I didn't mark the similarity until someone put flames behind her for the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. #ProofofCorruption
PS/ General agreement: everyone knew this. I saw so many memes that night, but I somehow missed this one. Last to the party!
Read 3 tweets
(CONTEST THREAD) This thread compiles entries in the ongoing Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. To enter, a) photoshop the image below into a photo of your choice, b) use the hashtag #ProofofCorruption, c) post it here.

Top 4 get named—with handle—here; winner gets a signed book. Image
(ENTRIES) In this thread I'll include the top entries from the original contest thread—don't worry, I saw them all and will keep checking back there to see if there are new contenders. Future entries should be posted as comments in this thread with the hashtag #ProofofCorruption. ImageImageImageImage
(ENTRIES 2) More contenders in the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. Keep 'em coming! Post your photoshopped images of the cover—putting it in any scene you think works for book promotion—as a reply to the first tweet in this thread. And please use the hashtag #ProofofCorruption! ImageImageImageImage
Read 35 tweets

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