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Jul 12th 2018
1. Today’s #Section377 #PublicHealthHistory thread is about one of India’s first gay rights champion: Siddhartha Gautam (accd to me he's the first)
2. Gautam got involved in the gay rights activism in the US when he went there to study Yale in 1989.

He cofounded ABVA when he came back & published an outlandish pamphlet, which I still find full tilt mental in audacity- Less Than Gay 👇…
3. He came back & set up ABVA – which was the first to petition the court to scrap #Section377. ABVA also successfully got Narasimha Rao’s govt to stall the draconian AIDS prevention Bill, 1989
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Jul 10th 2018
1. As we get ready to celebrate a huge civil rights victory for LGBTQ community in #India, here is a short thread on the people who sowed the seeds for this day… so we know who to thank #PublicHealthHistory #HIVMovement #Section377
2. In 2002, some 30-odd health workers from Naz Foundation were picked up by cops for counselling gay men. They were booked under #Section377 & obscenity laws. They remained in jail for over a month for basically telling gay men to use condoms! #HIVHistory #India
3. This was also the time of global panic about the HIV epidemic. #Cipla was yet to start rolling out low cost generic anti reterovirals.. so.. prevention was the only intervention. #Section377 #HIVHistory #India
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