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Sep 13th 2018
The ancient philosopher scientists found that the body is a *programmed* entity. Its various organs are *devices* programmed to operate. And this great finding paved the way for the realization of the highest truths of mankind.
Realization of the *nature* of things, the philosophy of the body.
Indeed it is through the body primarily that God is discovered in the ancient philosophico-scientific world. It is the "veda patha, " the way of the senses. The external universe may be abstracted simply as "vishaya," the world of sense-objects. It consists of dead matter only.
Read 23 tweets
Nov 24th 2017
1/ Manu (The progenitor of Humankind)
All different races of Mankind are derived from Manu and Shradha. The current Manu is Vaivasvata Manu.
2/ The word Manu literary means man but it is a title given to the progenitor of mankind. According to Hindu Puranas there are many kalpas (One day of Lord Brahma the creator) and each Kalpa has 14 manvantara and each manvatara has one manu. So basically each Kalpa has 14 Manus.
3/ The current manu of the present manvantara is Shraddhadeva or Vaivasvata Manu of this current Kalpa. He is the son of Vivasvat (Probably Surya) and is therefore also known as Manu-vaivasvata.
Read 155 tweets

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