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May 30th 2018
Short thread...

1. ABC canceled its #1 rated show, #Rosanne, because she compared Valarie Jarrett to an Ape. FYI, Jarret isn’t black, so apparently it’s racist to refer to anyone an ape.

But does that insult the person or the ape? ...just asking for a friend...
(keep reading)
2. Comparing people to primates has been a thing ever since humans developed language and before that we probably did it through signs and grunts.

If it is now “racist” to call a person an ape, the Media and Hollywood better get right on banning Shakespeare...
3. who frequently used “ape” as a term of contempt, including the well known phrase, "to lead apes in hell”. Can’t be subjecting fragile snowflakes to such abhorrent and vile verbiage.

Oh, and don’t forget to fire Bill Maher while you’re at it.

Read 3 tweets
May 29th 2018
#WhatILearnedToday is that @ChelseaClinton is not a Soros. Soros a Nazi. Thank you @therealroseanne!

"...if I weren't there, of course I wasn't doing it, but someone else would, would be taking it [property]away anyhow...”G. Soros

@POTUS #TuesdayThoughts #TrafficJamASong #MAGA
is telling you the truth. Here is George Soros admiting Nazi collaboration with no regrets. Source, 1998 interview by Steve Croft of 60 Minutes. Of which, @snopes & @andersoncooper claims never happened.
@POTUS #TuesdayThoughts #WhatILearnedToday #Qanon #MAGA
I believe @therealroseanne attack was orchestrated and planned. #FreedomOfSpeech died today.

"...Attack[s] anticipated.
Why are they continuing [internal]?
Attacks will intensify [all sides]."
@POTUS #MAGA #QAnon #RosanneBarr #Rosanne #BoycottABCNetwork #QArmy
Read 18 tweets
Apr 3rd 2018
1. 2 Posts here 983 &984 Apr 2 2018 21:52:48 Anon Asks #QAnon if they had a good #Easter. Q responds that they had a good laugh at the attacks on @therealroseanne. Ratings over 25 Million #QAlert #MAGA @POTUS #GreatAwakening #Rosanne #RosanneBarr #rosanneshow
2. An Anon asks #Q if the meme was on target from one of #Qanon's last posts about HRC and the date 2.12.09 which Q had also said, "Very BAD!" Q Replied that the timestamp is key. #QAlert #MAGA @POTUS #GreatAwakening
3. #QAnon post 986
Why was this made public?
John Huber appointed by?
Removed by?
Reappointed by?
Why the reboot?
Think logically.
History books.
#Q links to Brietbart article. #MAGA @POTUS
Read 18 tweets

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