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Oct 3rd 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 10/3/18 01:50 EST Ford herself coached by the C_A?
FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
2. C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
3. Fantasy or Reality? Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
Read 48 tweets
Sep 28th 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 9/28/18 00:22 Q posts @EdensVision tweet
YT deleted original.
Graham questioning then [listen carefully].
Graham comments today.
Reconcile. Congrats on the Q shout out!! ❤️ #QAnon #LindseyGrahamUnleashed @realDonaldTrump
Doesn’t @SenFeinstein know she’s going down? You can be sure the TRUTH will find you out!! #Traitor @realDonaldTrump
You can’t keep a good man down!! I declare this over Judge Brett Kavanaugh: You will be the next Justice of the SC!! You Will teach again! You will coach again! Your Good name Will be restored! We Stand TOGETHER w/you and Ashley and your girls!! Evil has lost! #GodWins @POTUS
Read 31 tweets
Sep 20th 2018
!!NEW Q!! 12:29 CDT
Q #QAnon #ArrestThemAll #Traitors @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 12:41 CDT Q replies to Anon who says there was a [10] min delta and Q says it was less than (1)!!
Ever wonder how that's possible?
#QAnon #QCoordinatesWithPOTUS @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 12:46 CDT Anon says there’s also a correlation in the amount of Q posts and POTUS tweets!! Q tells the Anon that is impressive!! #QAnon #WWG1WGA @realDonaldTrump
Read 37 tweets
Sep 10th 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 9/10/18 11:39! Q posts his previous drop about them doing their part to protect the vote and us doing ours!!! #QAnon #Vote #RedWave #FightFightFight @realDonaldTrump
Anon comments/research related to Q’s - We will protect the vote drop!! From the board!! #QAnon #ProtectTheVote #Vote #RedWave #YourVoteCounts @realDonaldTrump
!!NEW Q!! 12:14 Q posts previous drop from 12/01/17 and says,”Why are 'powerful' [influential] people resigning due to 'past sexual misconduct' allegations?
Why are these 'allegations' now surfacing [10-month span]?
WHY NOW? #QAnon @realDonaldTrump Cont.
Read 87 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
On the Q-Clock: FF weather alert - Stay Vigilant! From the board!! #QAnon #QClock #StayVigilant @realDonaldTrump
Why did POTUS retweet a Sandy Hook activist? From the board!! I’m adding @realDonaldTrump retweet of @ericbolling re. Hussein’s accomplishments as it may be related! #QAnon #EverythingHasMeaning #SchoolShootings #GreatAwakening #DarkToLight
Side-by-sides of Oct 28 drops!! From the board!! #QAnon #GreatAwakening #DarkToLight @realDonaldTrump
Read 27 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
QDrops for September 5, 2018

Good Morning #QArmy! Having to switch things up today

as it seems some apps and sites are down at the moment.

Today we’ll be using for our updates.





Read 108 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
QDrops for September 3, 2018

Q got a late starting QDrops today but it’s quite the mother load in my eyes. Could there be a False Flag coming? I pray not however it’s looking that way. Q has told us to #StayVigilant and with the 17th marking of the 9/11 we need to be vigilant.
Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in

[S-6]ESSION tomorrow.

Where once there was [D-1]ARK

Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT

Autist figured out this part within seconds of Q’s first Drop

for today however could there be more?
Read 158 tweets
Sep 3rd 2018
!!NEW Q Drop!! 9/3/18 17:29 Both [C-3]h[A-5]mbers (House / Senate) in [S-6]ESSION tomorrow.
Where once there was [D-1]ARK
Th[E-2]re is now [L-4]IGHT
Q #QAnon #HouseInSession #SenateInSession #LetTheShowBegin #GreatAwakening #DarkToLight @realDonaldTrump
Read 41 tweets
Aug 5th 2018
QDrops For Sunday August 5, 2018

See Something Say Something Edition!

#QAnon has certainly gone mainstream in the past 4

days that’s for sure. Stay positive! Stay vigilant! This is a

battle of Good v Evil! Good will win!
Q Drops can be found at

Q Proofs can be found at
Read 33 tweets

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