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Jan 26th 2018
New short thread .... Ever feel like we're all in the middle of a #superspooks novel that is playing itself out? #QAnon #ReleasetheMemo #SecretSociety
Mikhail Lesin, Russian media figure, Kremlin guy, and ally of Putin, was found dead in a DC hotel room on November 15, 2015. The story goes that he got drunk and sustained injuries consistent with being drunk and falling. 🙄
Last year, BuzzFeed submitted an FOIA request for documents relating to his death.They reported the feds paid for his hotel room and he was there to meet with them. He never made it to the meeting…
Read 9 tweets
Jan 24th 2018
‼️‼️I may be mistaken, but I think the #stablegenius pulled off something pretty phenomenal. (Thread) #QAnon #ReleasetheMemo. ‼️‼️
Over the weekend, the big MSM talk was about the shut down and DACA DACA DACA.
And then we get a provisional bill passed to keep everything going thru 2/8. But something else was in that bill.
Read 15 tweets

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