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The #uber / bitcoin story out of Argentina is interesting.

Censorship resistance meets the mainstream.
People are going to start realizing, having a little #bitcoin, in your own possession, is a good idea.
Plus @wences has come full circle. 👏
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There's a whole lot of buzz about the #sharingeconomy. Many seem to think it is something new, with some calling for a 'new economics' to explain it while others deride the 'gig economy' as a higher level of exploitation, inequality, and poverty. Neither is a good analysis.
First things firs: the sharing economy was facilitated by advances in technology alongside consumer preferences changing from goods to services and thus from ownership to lease. These are not separate processes, but mutually constituting changes where each increases the other.
The advances in technology that brought about the sharing economy are those that allow for cheaper, faster, and more accurate communication, verification of factual claims, decentralized corroborated trust/reputation etc. They overall lower transaction costs by making information
Read 20 tweets
1. Hilo sobre el extrañísimo combo Sharia, Feminismo, Diversidad Sexual y Derechos Humanos:


Read 508 tweets
Why were these black students refused a ride by @Uber? And why hasn't #FakeNewsCNN or anyone else in the liberal MSM covered this? Where is @AC360 @donlemon @Acosta @maddow @ChrisCuomo or #BLM? Where is the outrage? Clearly, this is and was discrimination. ##WalkAway
I guess this isn't part of the narrative #FakenewsMedia wants to cover. Time for black folks to #WalkAway. Any discrimination on any level is wrong and must be addressed. Don't let this story die. #WalkAway
Liberal MSM is more concerned about illegal aliens being refused services than taxpaying black citizens being denied services. This is horrible. #WalkAway
Read 7 tweets
1. A few thoughts about the tragic incident in Arizona, where a woman was killed by an #Uber self-driving car…
2. Much of what I read in the first day after the incident clearly tried to shift blame to the victim, and to devalue that individual…
3. She was crossing outside a marked crosswalk…

She came out of the shadows…

She may have been homeless…

She had a criminal record…
Read 48 tweets
1/ People in the Taxi and Private Hire trades need to put their Champagne on ice. The current ECJ ruling on Uber as a Transport Company means very little, if any change in the England and Wales. #Uber
2/ Uber May well have to withdraw from certain European cities where they will no longer be competitive . Instead they could switch investment and focus to England and Wales.
3/ Given all their legal issues in England. Uber will make full use of any appeals process. In London this could take several years. Many Private Hire Operators will be forced out of business in that time.
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