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Jul 24th 2018
#NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member of #JewishVoiceForLabour:
"Let's be clear very clear what that is code is,there is NO SUCH THING as an agreed international code for #Antisemitism,there is a document that has been pushed for many years now by pro-#Israel organizations"
"There is NO International Code of #Antisemitism, this is a ploy to get rid of #JeremyCorbyn" says #NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member #JewishVoiceForLabour,"there is a document that has been pushed for many years now by pro-#Israel organizations"
Shame on you, @margarethodge what a liar👇😡There is NO International Code of #Antisemitism, this is a ploy to get rid of @JeremyCorbyn & to silence critics of #Israel & #Zionism‼️@UKLabour
WATCH response from #NaomiWimborneIdrissi, founding member of "Jewish Voice For Labour":
Read 10 tweets
Apr 9th 2018
Please to hear the indefatigable late Robin Cook's resignation speech was chosen to start speech week on @BBCPM today.
Well worth listening to if you missed it.
#bbcpm #iraq #robincook #blair #UKlabour #UKpolitics
The speech is still remarkably prescient on so many levels:
Of the need for unilateralism and how Britain can't go it alone.
Of how this wasn't an objection to any and all military intervention.
Of how the problems although bit fully crystallised could be foreseen in advance.
Of how those who disagreed should not be seen as traitors.
Of the need to listen to the reports from experts.
The idea that an enemy can simultaneously be seen as well and on the verge of collapse, but still seem as a clear and present danger.
The list goes on.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 6th 2018
This thread is about the #SelfID debate and why #labourlosingwomen is going to be such a massive problem for #Corbyn and his ever increasingly lunatic supporters. We have three biological genders, male, female and hermaphrodite but the % of hermaphrodites is tiny. 1/11
Now Eddie Izzard is part of the NEC of #UKLabour this issue is going to re-ignite rather than disappear as he recounted in his memoir of how he deliberately broke the law getting changed in a female bathroom: 2/11…
But why is there so much controversy about all of this and why is it justified? #UKLabour has alienated traditional #Labour female voters about having to compete with men who have decided to describe their gender as female #SelfID #labourlosingwomen 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Feb 24th 2018
When #UKLabour openly admits an alliance with the #Communist Party the true problem is few remember #Communism is an authoritarian ideology responsible for the deaths of more than 100 million people. It failed spectacularly in just the same predictable way #Socialism does. 1/9
We get the usual “not real Socialism” excuse. Groups like #Momentum and #Antifa are openly advocating for complete open borders, #UKLabour is now full of #racists, #homophobes, #bigots, #misogynists and #paedophile apologists. They are the Cultural Marxists we were warned of. 2/9
They wish to destroy everything that is dear to us and replace it with nothing, we have been taught at schools and lectured at our Universities that everything must be about oppression and diversity and if you disagree you get castigated by society at large. 3/9
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