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Jun 28th 2018
I tried to make a case that a civil war is not coming. With @DaliborRohac:… Before saying "you're complacent!", please hear us out. Read a few a paragraphs from the piece. 1/n
It actually looks like the left and the right are on the same page.

@TuckerCarlson says his opponents are "terrifying", and folks on the left have insisted for some time that democracy is "in danger", we are at "turning point", "breaking point" etc. 2/n
So here is a question. Do people remember reading about this @leedrutman @LarryDiamond @joegoldman report in March? I don’t blame you if not.

What they found: “the overwhelming majority of Americans support democracy” 3/n…
Read 13 tweets
Jun 13th 2018
The current account is baaaack in the headlines! Official data by @BEA_News reports that the US has a roughly balanced current account with the EU, even a slight surplus of $14 bn. Does this mean we can be relaxed in the upcoming storms that may lead to a trade war? /LongThread
The BEA data existed for a long time.
(… )

But it was somehow under the radar of many economists, me included.
@GFelbermayr and @MartinBraml unearthed in Germany and wrote a report @CESifoGroup /2…
This triggered a series of media reports in all major German newspapers. Among the first, if not the first, to mention it was a joint piece that I wrote with @GFelbermayr for @handelsblatt . /3…
Read 40 tweets
Mar 14th 2018
In honor of #PiDay - JOKES!
Watch out - Mr. Magoo is going after those Confederate statues! #PiDay
Here is Mr. Magoo delivering a pay-off to Stormy Daniels. I was with Brian Williams when I took this with my cellphone. Yeah, that's right. My. SMARTphone. #PiDay
Read 16 tweets

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