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Apr 25th 2018
Good question. #A50Scotland is not separate to the case to which you refer. It is an application to intervene in it. The existing case assumes that a decision to leave the EU has been properly taken & the A50 notice is valid. We dispute that, which is why we are intervening. 1/
We’re seeking permission to ask the Court, when considering whether it’s possible to withdraw the A50 notice under EU law, to first consider whether it is possible to do so under UK law as it stands. If it is, that raises the question of whether the notice is actually valid. 2/
A better question would be to ask why SNP Labour Green & LibDem politicians, supported by money donated via Crowd Justice, are trying to prevent us asking the Court to engage with a rudimentary part of their own question: Can the A50 notice be withdrawn under current UK law? 3/
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