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Sep 3rd 2018
1/n. Saving all the cool new data sources and tools I learned about at #APSA2018.
Cliff-Clavin for geolocating newspaper articles: Though Mordecai will eventually replace it for automated event data:….
#terrier, the new and improved Phoenix (automated events data), See more at:
Read 6 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018
Saw lots of great stuff at #APSA2018, but am afraid I also saw a couple people bomb the Q&A portion of their panel. With job market season upon us, want to share some thoughts (*not* suggestions) on what Q&A time is and how to think about doing it well.
First, yes—Q&A can be high stakes in interviews and make or break you. But seems like some people don’t realize that’s because LOTS of things can be happening in Q&A, some of which are about your work and some of which are not.
Q&A is the “read the room” portion of your presentation. It’s complex—it’s about understanding the goals of others in their interactions with you in the space, and whether and how those goals align with yours. And then executing accordingly.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 31st 2018
My #multimedia iposter presentation, entitled 'The #Maidan Massacre in #Ukraine: Revelations from Trials and Investigations,' at Annual Meeting of the American Political Studies Association in Boston is available at the APSA website #APSA2018 @APSAtweets…
This presentation includes my analysis of almost completely unreported revelations about Maidan snipers, video appendixes of testimonies by 43 wounded Maidan protesters & over 125 witnesses about snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings, & my video reconstruction of the massacre.
My #APSA2018 presentation includes video reconstruction of Maidan massacre, in particular, videos of snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings & 55 testimonies about such snipers & shows that both protester & police were shot from Maidan-controlled buildings.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 29th 2018
The #MeTooPoliSci short course today at #APSA2018 was educational, emotional, and empowering. A smattering of things I learned and practices we can all implement: (thread)
1. Title IX leaves a lot of room for interpretation & many universities have different policies regarding things like mandatory reporting. Find out if you're a mandatory reporter, and if you are, put it in your syllabus/discuss on syllabus day.
2. Find out which hospitals in your area have Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE nurses) who are specially trained to do rape kits so you have that information if a student needs it.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 27th 2018
What else could you possibly be doing at 8 a.m. on Saturday at #APSA2018 besides coming to a panel on rebel & terror recruitment? I'll be presenting a new framework for understanding how state rhetoric affects who engages in terrorism. #womenalsoAPSA
In brief: we study terrorist propaganda and social networks to death, but we need to pay attention to other info to which people are exposed, particularly from the state. I argue that alarmism may actually *fuel* radicalization.
I'll be sharing some preliminary case study work from my dissertation on patterns of state ideas surrounding terrorism and possible mechanisms linking them to variation in popularity of certain organizations. Come give me feedback!
Read 3 tweets

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