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Sep 13th 2018
Like most IT people I love tools. And tools are absolutely vital to #Agile, esp. #automation of #development & #delivery. But when it comes to managing teams & processes, do #tools and #Agile always mix? Maybe not…
1. Software developers like #tools. No, they adore tools. They seem the most natural way to solve a problem, and they are familiar territory that any #delivery team is more than happy to enter. #Agile
2. But #tools provide little support for the *content* of most #Agile delivery tasks, from defining Product Vision to conducting Daily Stand-Up Meetings. They do support day-to-day workflow, reporting and recording, but at that level are often easily replaced by manual #methods.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 15th 2018
1/ A new episode of #Perspectives! How will automation impact the industry, and you personally, over the next twelve months?…
2/ How will automation impact the industry and @dbrowell?… #mrx
3/ How will automation impact the industry and @andybuckers?… #newmr
Read 14 tweets

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