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Mar 8th 2018
For #IWD2018 a look at why Prime Minister Modi's #BetiBachaoBetiPadhao (Educate girls to Save them) program will not stop India's mass #femicide until these issues are addressed. Link & THREAD.…
1/ Prime Minister Modi’s ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padao’ (Save the Girl, Educate the Girl) programme, launched in January 2015, was the first time since India's independence in 1947 that the Indian government had raised the issue of female genocide in a public campaign.
2/ British census data in the 18th century had attributed India’s skewed #sexratio to female #infanticide and other forms of #femicide, such as sati, but after independence subsequent governments remained bizarrely indifferent to the issue even as it reached epidemic proportions.
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