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Jul 13th 2018
This just reoccured to me for the nth time, but I really wish browsers would just pass along the layout engines own cached values with Scroll/Resize events, like: scrollPosition[x,y], document[w,h], window[w,h] /cc @ietf @w3c @csswg @webkit @mozilla @MicrosoftEdge
...heck, even just a delta[x,y] would be an improvement.

it would make things like parallaxers & scroll position based triggers so much smoother (like at least 2x instantly), since we wouldn't be causing thrashing when we attempt to re-measure these values every 16ms (or sooner)
ultimately, I'd love to see a mechanism for subscribing to high-frequency property value updates. so that we don't need to request measurements for certain element properties in tight loops. but rather, could just receive them in a callback
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