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Aug 31st 2018
(1) A little bit about In-N-Out Burger for those of you not familiar with it. In honor of the idiotic libtard #BoycottInNOut drama
(2) Everywhere an In-N-Out goes, hordes of customers follow. It is ALWAYS busy. My father calls their franchises "Licenses to print money"
(3) Their menu is very simple. No Bacon-blue-cheese-onion-ring-surpise-of-the-week-with-chipolte-and-hand-crafted-free-range-cheese.

Burgers. Shakes. Soda. Fries.

Read 9 tweets
Aug 31st 2018
Companies take note from what's happening w/ #BoycottInNOut right now: it's a really, REALLY bad time to be making donations to the Republican party, even if you have without incident in past. Deporting U.S. citizens, denying vets passports, and ~500 kids still in jail? C'mon.
Pro tip for all the #BoycottInNOut boycotters: such actions extra effective when they give the company a concrete step it can take to stop boycott i.e. making a public stmt. that it wouldn't choose to donate to GOP again until it reunites every fam, stops deporting citizens etc.
No, @innoutburger, a company donating money to the party that isn't deporting U.S. citizens doesn't magically cancel out the bad ethics of donating to the one that is. Use your common sense for goodness' sake. #BoycottInNOut
Read 3 tweets

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