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Sep 16th 2018
Blame-aportioning was not intended purpose. I have pointed out the missing link in the chain that #Congress #BJP and #MSM seem strangely unaware of or are wilfully suppressing. It is for #CBI and Govt to explain why 'Look-Out Notice' was downgraded. Not my job. #MallyaLies 1/n
As far as I am concerned available evidence shows Vijay Mallya planned his exit meticulously. He travelled abroad in October and returned in November 2015. He travelled abroad twice in December 2015. He travelled abroad in January 2016. And then fled in March. #MallyaLies 2/n
Mallya showed up for CBI interrogation. Travelled abroad and returned. All this was to create the false impression that he was not going to flee. It was a criminal mind's work. That #CBI fell for it is amazing. Does not speak highly of its leadership. 3/n
Read 22 tweets
Mar 5th 2018
#NiravModi's #PNBFraud is just a cherry on tip of an iceberg, a systemic plunder of national & natural resources that is being going on since centuries with involvement of world famous auction houses that played a major role in setting up his career.…
"I would like to bring to your notice a major financial scam similar to that of #VijayMallya of #Kingfisher #SubrataRoy of #SaharaGroup, Ramalingaraju of #Satyam. Kindly look into this & do needful before its too late & he escapes from India" - #PNBFraud whistleblower #HariPrasad
#PNBScam whistleblower #HariPrasad filed criminal complaint with Bengaluru Police in 2015 against #MehulChoksi for being cheated of Rs10 crore by Gitanjali Gems following which he wrote to several authorities such as #ED #CBI #SEBI eventually to PMO itself in 2016, yet no action.
Read 30 tweets
Dec 12th 2017
Who are these two foreign pilots flying around Indian PM in the #seaplane? Shouldn't this be a security issue? Or is it normalization of things to come? Stay tuned for our <thread> on the issue.
2 Is a Prime Minister allowed to fly aboard a single engine aircraft as per GoI protocol? What about one that is flown by foreign pilots? Why cant this #SeaPlane been flown by IAF pilots? More than any protocols entire Indian military is being bypassed here, what does that mean?
3 So the #seaplane in which our PM was flown in came directly from Pakistan & was flown by foreign pilots! And our Indian security forces allowed that???

This is the sorry state of Indian security establishment. Havent they learned anything from #HomiBhabha assassination?
Read 29 tweets
Nov 22nd 2017
Global Plunder in a Liberalized Post Financial Meltdown World

Case Study: India-US.

This <thread> examines the origin of present day economic crisis in the West & how India is embroiled in that spiral of swindle taking us along with it towards total oblivion. #IndiaForSale
With 90s economic liberalization we set aside sound monetary fundamentals tht stood our financial system in good stead for over 50 years. As these were slowly eroded novel concepts became the norm rather than exception replacing even ways in which inflation indices are calculated
Despite assurances of various FMs on soundness of Indian Economic & Banking Fundamentals India has seen a periodic meltdown of financial markets every 7 years or so. We know now casino style gambling defines our economy & that theres something structurally wrong in our approach.
Read 26 tweets

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