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Aug 27th 2018
NEW Q! 🔥Monday, August 27 #QAnon…
Who is systematically arranging the leaks to select individuals?
Why is this important [to drop] prior to BO testimony?
Q! 🔥 Monday, 8/27 #QAnon #DARKMONEY

Focus Here:
HRC election loss = CF inflow stop
CF inflow stop = No Name Institute inflow ramp
Compare donors.
Direct correlation?
[He did not depart on his own terms]
Think FLYNN [30].
Exactly [30].
We are in control.
BIG week ahead.

[He did not depart on his own terms.] -#QAnon

#DONEin30 ✔️✔️✔️
Read 63 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
1) #QAnon #SaveTheKids

I have been Twitter-silent of late, waiting for the next shoe to drop…and there are a closet full of shoes. It was a needed break as it has been a struggle watching the cabal continue to walk the streets.
2) The breathless screams about yesterday's #TreasonSummit warrant an immediate reply. The best place to start is to ask WHY? Why are the political left and the #MSM/#LSM claiming the Trump-Putin meeting to be treasonous? What is the basis?
3) Did you hear concerns of #Treason when #Traitor44 went around the world on his apology tour, disparaging the United States? They PRAISED #Obama for bowing to leaders of foreign nations & ridicule #POTUS for NOT BOWING in submission, as if we are subject to their kingdoms.
Read 32 tweets
May 21st 2018
1. Quite a statement coming from the "failing NYT": "Efforts by a hostile foreign power to influence an American presidential election — with or without the assistance or knowledge of the winning candidate — may well be a scandal “bigger than Watergate!” #CrossfireHurricane
2. In the UK, at a Cambridge University “Race To Change The World” conference, July 11-12, 2016, with Madeleine Albright at the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities (CRASSH), #StefanHalper approached Carter Page.…
3. "To be clear, #CarterPage has always been open about the fact that he has never met Donald Trump." But the former FBI intel operator, Naval Academy graduate with background in Navy intel'd somehow been desgnated a Trump campaign adviser just a few months earlier.
Read 33 tweets
May 12th 2018
1. #QAnon responds to an anon's rant at @RealAlexJones by reminding us that, when it comes to divisiveness, it's

"Time to move on.
Big week ahead!
2. #QAnon's response to the anon refers to the criticism of Alex Jones "making us all look crazy." But, in the spirit of it being "time to move on", #Q posts a link to the Alex's representation as a "performance artist."…
3. To #QAnon's point, clearly, Alex Jones is a performance artist. A lot us are. Nothing wrong with that!

Read 42 tweets
Apr 25th 2018
#QAnon #MOAB


#ShellGame report, video, & documentation lay it ALL out...the whole enchilada...the key crimes, how it was reported, and how it ties into counter-coup run by #POTUS.
#QAnon #MOAB
- References 12/21/17 #EO for seizure of property at 27:43
- #UraniumOne pay-to-play
- #SAP selloff
- #USB & #HSBC launder $$$ to fund terrorists
- #DavidGuyatt (#DeepBlack plot)
- Punishment of whistleblowers
- #TrumpRussiaCollusion plot
- High #Treason
#QAnon #MOAB
#ScottBennett (#SC) = former military intelligence officer whistleblower behind these revelations, which go back years.

He uncovered this w/ #UBS whistleblower #BradleyBirkenfeld (#BB)when investigating terrorist financing.

They were targeted/framed for crimes.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 24th 2018

This short thread will incorporate #Q's messaging to EXPLAIN why #HRC, #Traitor44, #Brennan, and others who are part of the #DeepState/#Coup are still walking the streets. There is an necessary ORDER to things:
1. Neutralize the threat.
2. Neutralize the orgs.
3. Arrest!
#Q has used a form of the word protect 53 times. The overridding context has been that the #Cabal has used the #Threat against US (#WWIII, #NuclearThreat, #FaleFlags) as protection, as in a hostage threat. #Q's 1st order of business has been to protect/safeguard US.
Reread early #Q:
Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST) Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW 147012719 >>147005381
HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots...
Read 15 tweets
Mar 6th 2018
Boom. #QAnon had it last night.
How did Q know they were going to be in front of that picture this time?

#QAnon answers:

"Trust the plan.
Read 12 tweets
Dec 10th 2017
Lets continue this discussion. #Qanon has mentioned #USSS #McCain the #McCainFound #CF how they relate etc. We recently learned USSS is connected to #NCMEC. Remember the “cook the books atty” in Godfather that handled all their "problems" & offered solutions??
2/13 Ernie Allen Founder
3/13 He also founded ICMEC. Now he works for him #MCainFound
Read 14 tweets

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