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Jul 29th 2018
#AadhaarIsSafe 1/
I'm totally amused to read the various headlines around the @rssharma3 challenge! Clearly shows one of three things:
1) Knowledge of #Aadhaar @UIDAI is poor
2) Biased people take away what they want to believe
3) Both
No data is hacked/stolen or misuse-able
#AadhaarIsSafe 2/
Fact of the matter is that #Aadhaar only has 5 pieces of information - Name, Address, DOB, Gender, Photo, Photo and optionally Email Address, Phone#. I know of NO service that lets you subscribe without the first 5 items and most likely one of 6 & 7.
#AadhaarIsSafe 3/
The biggest cost most service providers face is verifying that the data is indeed accurate and knowing that the person cannot come a second time with a different IDentity. That is precisely what #Aadhaar is designed and architected to do!
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