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Sep 3rd 2018
@Sgjenks825 @Chappyricky @KassandraSeven Your question is a good one, as long as it doesn't turn into attacks by others on the #FormerGOP and #NeverTrumpers who respond.
@Sgjenks825 @Chappyricky @KassandraSeven I would say I USED TO identify as a Republican, for many years; because I know that life starts before birth, but mostly because I considered myself a "Fiscal Conservative."

I admit I bought into the "family values" image, until Trump showed what Reps really think on that topic.
@Sgjenks825 @Chappyricky @KassandraSeven Trump was a watershed moment, yes. But looking back, a lot of other things in my personal life and in my thinking were leading me away from the GOP before he showed up.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 18th 2018
As you might know, I'm a #FormerGOP .

I voted Republican loyally for over 30 years. But when Trump won the Primary, I was able to see the true and dispicably UGLY face of my party, and I have never gone back again.
Many wonderful people in #TheResistance have taken me in, educated me, and helped me to become a much better person. They have helped me to realize that so many of my hard-core, basic beliefs were incompatible with voting Republican.

I owe you all so many thanks for that!
Today, I learned something else...

When I first saw the #Rose 🌹 symbol in various profiles, I googled it and also asked some people who were using it, what it meant. I was told it was just a symbol of #Resistance, & I thought it was no different than the #Omega / #Ohm symbol.
Read 19 tweets

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