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Aug 3rd 2018
#QAnon #SomethingBIGIsAboutToDrop

Where is the sleazy ol’ treasonous, NWO-loving pedo—H.W., hiding out at these days anyway? And why would someone want someone want his personal physician dead? Was there something he wouldn’t agree to coverup, or FALSIFY?

Thanks to @QTeam18 who happened to see something about “2 doctors helping HW Bush cover up a pedo ring”.. led him to this WL memo! Anyone seen this doc b4??

D.C. PEDO SEX-RING COVERUP *ordered* by H.W.!!!!đŸ˜”
#QAnon #GHWB #Corruption #PEDO #Pedogate #ChildSexRing
Well that was fast. #Q

Man suspected of murdering GHW Bush's doctor is found dead in Houston

Joseph Pappas—the man charged with murdering G.H.W. Bush’s former cardiologist—has been found dead in Houston. Dr. Mark Hausknecht was shot three times while riding his bike on July 20.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 9th 2018
1. #Qanon told us of "April Showers", and the intel he's dropped so far has been absolutely massive, and continuing now. One anon notes latest #Q is keeping everyone on their toes with many "breadcrumbs" to be "baked". So, here goes.
2. #QAnon reminds us that @POTUS & JFK Jr were close friends. JFK Jr considered seeking seat of retiring Sen. Moynihan in 2000 but was killed in a plane crash (attributed to "an inexperienced pilot"). HRC won the seat in 2000 instead. Q says this was The "Start".
3. "Baking" #QAnon's drop on #JFK Jr further, one source notes that "from the day he saluted his father’s casket til the evening his plane went down John-John had a mission
 to expose who orchestrated the “dastardly act” upon his father. #Q
Read 41 tweets

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