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May 17th 2018
May 5–9, 2018: 8,000 people in Russian military uniform marched in 20 US cities. A Russian tank in Ohio; the hammer and sickle in front of the White House. The US Senators approve it. The Kremlin funds it. 👇Thread on #HybridWar. @J_amesp @profcarroll @carolecadwalla @ushadrons
1. The #ImmortalRegiment is a grassroots initiative of Russian people hijacked by the Kremlin to carry out a hybrid war operation in 50 countries. It is supported by the federal agencies and an organization funded by the Kremlin. Russian embassies help to organize these events.
2. On the orders of the Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, immigrants from the former USSR and Russians living abroad carry out the “Immortal Regiment” to promote Russian militarism and nationalism and the idea of an authoritarian leader amongst Russian diaspora.
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