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Jul 29th 2018
WTH? So Clinton Cartel sells our Uranium to Russia... and now they are selling it back to US???

It better not be at a big profit!
Russia's state nuclear firm Rosatom sealed a uranium supply deal with U.S. utility Exelon Corp (EXC.N) on Wednesday and voiced plans to issue a 100 billion rouble bond as it intensifies its global expansion.
Last week, the company said it had "BROKEN DOWN THE WALL" into the U.S. uranium market by striking three landmark deals to supply nuclear fuel worth more than $1 billion to U.S. power firms PG&E (PCG.N), Ameren Corp (AEE.N) and Luminant.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 27th 2018
Twitter near 20% slide?
FB near 20% slide?
All because of missed earnings?
What does the Street know?
Insiders dumping?
[DC moves slow]
Your hands are dirty.
Read 112 tweets

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