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Aug 26th 2018
David Katz said to be alleged killer at #jacksonvillelanding shooting. Killed two people at Madden gaming event at the Landing and wounded 12 others. He killed himself. He’s from Baltimore. White male. Something strange is up...#LandingMassShooting
2. David Katz aka “Bread” was purportedly a disgruntled gamer...not sure about this but seems like the classic MK Ultra candidate...… #jacksonvillelandingshooting #landingshooting
3. Madden champ...notice the number on his jersey he received...17...just saying it’s weird timing. #qanon #JacksonvilleLanding Was David Katz on psych meds? Who was his therapist? I have a bad feeling about this guy. Landing killer...there’s more to this mass shooting. #wwg1wga
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