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Oct 2nd 2018
We all get older. It’s an unavoidable fact. Sports fans are no exception. We grow up and we grow old. Unfortunately, so do our heroes. The life of a sports fan, measured by their heroes, has a few major milestones that mark our cycle. #mlb #nba #nfl #nhl #wnba #usmnt #uswnt 1/17
#1 - Establishing a Hero
Think back: Once you were the starry-eyed child. You watched on the television or, hopefully, someone took you to a game. There you were amazed by what that one guy or girl did. How can he run so fast? Did you see that pass? 2/17
Someone did something that made you take notice. You were amazed, in awe. Maybe it was Sandy Koufax's control, Mike Schmidt's power, Walter Payton's finesse, or Sue Bird's control of the court. Something made you become a sports fan and you wouldn't want that to change. 3/17
Read 18 tweets
Jul 14th 2018
My son Henry has had the #privilege of playing with the @RBIIndy all stars team #MLBRBI
The #MLB @MLBRBI program stands for Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities and focused on player and character development
It has given me a new view on what #privilege looks like in #youthbaseball
Read 24 tweets

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