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Jun 8th 2018
#OTD 112 years ago, the #AntiquitiesAct was signed by President Roosevelt & since used to create over 150 national monuments. I’m proud to stand with the millions of Americans who love and cherish our national #MonumentsForAll.
16 Presidents – 8 Republicans and 8 Democrats – have used the #AntiquitiesAct to safeguard public lands, oceans, and cultural and historic sites in order to share America’s story with future generations. President Trump wants to shrink these national treasures.
I stand with America’s #MonumentsForAll, and will fight to preserve our country’s most important national monuments, like #BearsEars and #GrandStaircase.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 1st 2018
.@SecretaryZinke is a self-described “Teddy Roosevelt guy,” but his first year at @Interior has shown far more differences than similarities between the two. #WhatWouldTeddySay (thread)
Happy 146th birthday, Yellowstone! Roosevelt called for preserving our parks for ours and future generations – which also means, not pricing people out. Unfortunately, @SecretaryZinke has recommended nearly tripling entrance fees to 17 national parks, including Yellowstone.
Teddy committed to protecting public lands after exploring what is now @YosemiteNPS. Rolling back protections for these lands, as @SecretaryZinke has continued to do, wasn't in the cards then, and shouldn't be now. #KeepItPublic
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