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Jul 25th 2018
Wagons are a pinnacle of English craft.

Imagine looking at some wood and metal, just sitting there on the ground all formless, and thinking: I can make a thing of both utility and beauty out of this.

Here’s a thread about how they do that. #MusTools
Firstly a note on wagons.

Before the combustion engine and pneumatic tyres, vehicles relied on their construction and draught animals to be able to get around.

Each wagon is a distillation of its region’s geography. Each is uniquely suited to its environment.

Wagons are so complicated it feels like we need a PhD just to look at them.

Craftspeople use roughly 80-90 different tools to make one.

This includes sawing the wood, crafting the wheel, forging the ironwork, tyring the wheels and painting the body.

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