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Aug 15th 2018
So please excuse me for a bit of a rant....

There’s a lot in common with #bruceoake recovery, #PortageandMain and other initiatives in Winnipeg. I remember moving here 16 years ago and experiencing it and was caught off guard.
At my arrival or shortly after Glen Murray was mayor and he was trying to get public support for user fee based trash collection. He did public meetings and more expousing on the benefits of user fee systems- something very common & with economical sense
It went nowhere, which is unfortunate in my opinion. But things carried on in Winnipeg and good things happened. A new arena was built but that too came with controversy and issues. A world class human rights musuem too, but not w/o issues.
Read 20 tweets
Aug 2nd 2018
I took a walk around Portage+Main today! I know lots of Winnipeggers experience it from their cars, so join me as I go on an adventure!

1st thing spotted while approaching on NW corner, full bike rack. 21% of 'peggers currently bike regularly. #portageandmain
My quest: make it across the intersection to the BMO building! It's so pretty. I've lived here for 17 yrs, just realized I'd never actually been there. So, you know, there's a hint that something's not working.
Starting the clock! ⏱️
3/ Ok, so 1st thing to note, you can't "just go one extra block" around, when that block doesn't actually connect. Here's Lombard, but I can't reach it from here on the W side of Main.
I see you over there Lombard!
Read 19 tweets

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