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Sep 23rd 2018
1. It's difficult to see injustice and be unable to do anything about it. But don't lose hope. I believe Kavanaugh will be seated on the SC. We are the audience in this theater of the absurd. The Wizard is still behind the curtain pulling the strings of the puppets. But hopefully
2. not for much longer. Much of what we are seeing and hearing is not what's being said done behind the scenes. Much of the politeness is for our consumption. They know the repercussions of not seating a highly qualified, respectable innocent judge. If they lose this battle.
3. there would few, who would put themselves, much less their family, through such an ordeal. Only to not receive the confirmation. Believe me, I feel the frustration. We are all fed up with the left not accepting the results of an election. Knowing not only have they attempted
Read 6 tweets
Sep 22nd 2018
1. What a time we are living through. As we sit back and watch the current Kabuki theater performance being given by those on the left. Be sure and have your popcorn ready, when it doesn't play out as they have planned. And "Crying Schumer" tells what terrible, uncaring people
2.we are and preach morality. Never lose sight of the history of assault, rape and even death of women, who were and are victims of men on the left. Who they ignored, marginalized, lied on and verbally assaulted. This is the party who booed God on National TV. Denied God
3. three time. This the party of the KKK, Segregation, Jim Crowe. The party who removed prayer from schools and put men in women's restrooms. This is the party who wants to tear down our statues and destroy our history. Disrespect the National Anthem and our men and women in
Read 11 tweets

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