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Jun 4th 2018
I was denied service at 2 diff. Chinese restaurants in LDN. EP1, my cousin asks the lady why she was asking us 2 leave and “this is not a fast food restaurant” she answers. He calmly tells her that she cant do that. I told my cousin 2 let it go & we walked out #rascismisalive
EP2 My @malaikaaminata friend & I walk in2 another Chinese restaurant. We sit at an empty table. A lady comes over asking us 2 move upstairs. Prepared by my previous incident I say no right away. She starts shouting at us 2 move bcos the table is for 4. #rasicismisalive @kuvie_
2 avoid an incident, I look right over at the next table & notice 2 ladies sitting at another table for 4. I ask them if it’s ok for us to share the table. They agree and make room for us. We sit down and this is what ensues @wanlov @panjianoff @niikotei @tafari #rasicismisalive
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