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May 14th 2018
On Mother’s Day & every day, let’s kill off fewer moms in science fiction & fantasy.

Yes, it’s easier for a protagonist to have adventures w/o her—or to go on quests to avenge her. What living mom would let her kid endanger their life like that?

But isn’t killing her a cop-out?
Let’s stop using women’s pain and women’s deaths as catalysts for (often male) heroes’ stories.

Let’s stop treating women as motivators of protagonists’ growth, as obstacles in their journeys, as objects to be won or rescued—or, as with many dead mothers, as simply irrelevant.
They say a mother’s love is one of the most powerful forces on earth. We always hear stories of mothers going to extraordinary lengths for their kids.

Let’s see more of that in fiction, in #SFF.

Let’s see more women as the heroines of their own stories—as leaders, not damsels.
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