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Apr 12th 2018
1/ Here's a bunch of animated time lapses from active volcanoes around the world.


Data is from #ESA #Sentinel2 satellites. It's processed with the #Copernicus / @sentinel_hub tools.

You ask why? Because I like looking at images from volcanoes and so do you!
2/ Bogoslof Island is the summit of a submarine stratovolcano in the Bering sea. In 2017 it erupted and the island became MUCH bigger. There's going to be some happy puffin and seals there (the ones that didn't burn in lava flows that is)!

#VolcanoesFromSpace #Sentinel2
3/ Manaro Voui is a shield volcano in Vanuatu. Starting in 2017 and still going today it's continuously erupting. People are evacuated.

Chief Tari One of Ambanga has conducted ceremonial offerings but it seems these have not been accepted.

#VolcanoesFromSpace #Sentinel2
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