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Sep 10th 2018
I’ll be speaking next Monday, Sept 17 at Skidmore College event sponsored by @SkidmoreCollege @NorthshireBooks @SaratogaU about #TheList and our democracy at risk.
Details here:…
Huntsville, Sept 11…
Birmingham, Sept 12…
raising lots of money for Dem candidates - join us!

Also in Sept: SEATTLE on the 27th…
Hey Saratoga - if you're coming to the #TheList Sept 17 event at Skidmore College, stop by Hamlet & Ghost first for a VIP reception hosted by @TogaUnites - let's help them raise some dough!…
Read 3 tweets
May 20th 2018
Week 79 is the longest list, with 176 not normal items.
This week included ZTE, Qatar, Amazon, “animals,” housing immigrant children at military bases, financial disclosure and more.
See what you missed in the chaos!…
To put 176 not normal items into perspective. This is the chaos in which we live, forget, normalize and lose ourselves and democracy.
If this week’s list isn’t a wake-up call, I don’t know what is.
Read 4 tweets
May 12th 2018
BREAKING: Giuliani says Trump was behind the DOJ trying to block the AT&T-Time Warner merger. This is huge news! Interfering with our markets!
“The president denied the merger. They didn’t get the result they wanted.”…
Hey, and a bunch of you can tweets your apologies to me on this - saying this could never happen. I know finance - the DOJ’s position on why they were blocking the merger made no sense!
Hey Republican Party - Donald Trump is personally interfering with our free market system. If that doesn’t get every single last one of you up to the mics screaming bloody hell, what is there left that you stand for?!
Read 10 tweets
Apr 29th 2018
So, I was sitting next to a quartet of Turkish kids at a restaurant the other night. They were up in arms about Erdogan’s upcoming election in June. They also couldn’t believe they escaped their country to arrive in Trump’s AmeriKKKa. They are worried for us, knowing how it goes.
They see encroaching authoritarianism here as it is back home -with the Department of Homeland Security now keeping a list of journalists. Because in Turkey, if you write the truth about Erdogan you could be jailed for life.…
Or like Wikipedia, be banned altogether.…
Read 10 tweets

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